General Electric owns 49% of NBC,
General Electric builds nuclear reactors
They build the reactors that went down in Japan
Do you think NBC will be pro or against nuclear Developement?
Will you rely on them to report the truth on anything nuclear?
GE is on line to build two reactors in...
I would wish those small extra rates of cancer upon those who impede studies and lie, and better their children than mine, but better no children at all.
strontium 90 is the basis for the following study.... you get that from nukes and powerplants that fail...
realted to nuclear reactors including three mile island which they lied to you about also.
this organization specializes in studying the effects of radiaiton. They are independent from US Governemnt, General Electric, Toshiba, Areva other faciliites that promote the nuclear industry...
and here is a state of the nation report on just how honest the nuclear industy has been and where your tax dollar goes!
For further detailed info on what really happened at Chernobyl
This 18 page article is a further eye opener. Click on the Chernobyl button in the left hand column to find it.
Well, now, some might say what does this have to do with Japan?
I am tell you that...
I really had not paid much attention at all to chernobyl. Of course I knew it was a painful deal but I never read much on it or saw many reports.
Then I came across this today... if kind of blew my mind how many people were affected..
Some are saying that the meltdowns in Japan may turn out...
The problem is are you going to trust your government to tell you the truth?
I say, beware... they lied about 3 mile island.
I am going to put up a thread about chernobyl
Most people dont know the real story there.
My suspicious mind is now wondering if this map is going to report truth even though I have mailed it out to many people and been watching it myself this week.
This video will explain why
you've got to wonder why we are not receiving informaiton on radiation levels in Japan in the areas where...
Lugol's iodine from the lab is perfectly fine if it is truely lugols iodine.
OTC iodine is out of the betadine, or provodine
how can I state this so people here?
You need POTASSIUM IODIDE as found in lugols iodine or the potassim iodide tablets you can purchase in the pharmacy...
I am unsure about timing.. from what a friend said yesterday afternoon in about 36 hours..
I would not be concerned about taking potassim iodide for a short period of time,,, even if you have some thyroid issues... but I can't say with Hashimotos disease though...
It is better to start now...
This page from the BBC news agency is giving continual reports so its easy to tune into
Now they are saying another nuclear plant is at risk of melt down
Just because we breath in radiation all the time does not mean that more is for us is...
"A jet stream or air current could well carry radioactive fallout as far as British Columbia, the CBC's Belle Puri reported.
The worst-case scenario would be a Chernobyl-scale catastrophe, with explosions destroying the reactors and sending a deadly plume of radioactivity into the atmosphere...
And this guy says it has spurred the erruption of 4 volcanos... I heard about two, but now 4?
more info
Here is the jet stream for the Pacific. Its going to blow right on top of us!
How many nuclear particles does it take to cause cancer or kill?
So I have been looking at maps that chart the flow of air from Japan that will have radio active material in it.
It is time now to start taking Lugols iodine or potassium iodide tablets... It will be coming to the states,, from Vancouver being first hit then it will move south.
If it were me and I lived in a city and in an appartment I would prepare as follows.
Over the next year purhcase only things you can fit into your backpack first, and car second. Purchase backpacks and supplies for hiking out of town to the country...
good shoes that you know dont hurt, plus...
I think we should all try to see if we can photograph this.
Two suns are being seen around the world
aspirin can go bad. If it smells like vinegar throw it out.
How to use vanilla for preserving food?
Im in Mexico right now so guess I pick up a bottle of the good stuff