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  1. B

    turkeys and chickens

    sounds good to me i think i will look on craiglist or free ad paper and try to find a small flock of older ones maybe 10-20 and keep them penned up the rest of this winter untile spring that should be long enuff for them to learn to stay home. can they eat regular chicken feed? Also i thought...
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    turkeys and chickens

    well guineas sound like they be a ball to have around were would be the best place to get them older or get keets? most hatcherys sell them but you have to get like 30 at a time my other problem is getting them older i heard it very hard to tell male from female i dont want to get ripped off...
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    turkeys and chickens

    what about guinea ive been reading on them they sound iterestesint to raise to will they set hatch their own eggs and forage well?
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    turkeys and chickens

    i already have a 8x8 pen pen all tin with the sides that can come down to let in air ventilation on hot days and also a have 8x6 run outside of that . maybe i will just order turkeys i can order a small batch 15 of heritage turkeys or 10 of wild turkeys just need to no wich make the best...
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    turkeys and chickens

    what if i feed medicated feed to the poults like i do with all my chickens will that help and also what is the best turkeys to raise that will reproduce naturally and set n brood their own eggs?
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    turkeys and chickens

    sounds good im thinkin of ordering 10 roosters 5 turkeys or more and 5 ducks for meat how many months are regualr heritage bred turkeys ready to butcher and how long for mallard ducks ready to butcher i no that my regular rock roosters i butcher in 4 months but what about the rest?
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    turkeys and chickens

    i have had tyrkeys and chickens in the past raised together before i new the deieses they can give echother but my question is if i get turkeys and chicks and ducks? from the same hatchery and dont let either of them come in contact with other poultry can they spread deises to one another seeing...
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    also how early can i test a goat for CAE AND CL? do you just take the goats to the vet and he does it their?
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    were and how would i learn bout artificial insemtion?
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    popular goats

    i am wondering what is the most popular goats among homestead type people?
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    that is true i just want small homestead type people who want their herds freshend up every year im not lookin to go big i onlywant 3-4 bucks
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    very interesting i could just go to a vet and ask them what the most serious dieses i should have the does tested for in this area
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    very good ideas so what would be the tests i should get? and what tests should i ask for other does to have?
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    now i need to decied on breeds to get people around here seem to have it all their are rarely goats for sale on craigslist a few in the free ad paper their is never any fainting goats a quite a few pygmys and nigerian goats and a mixed batch of dairy breeds but everyone and their brother and...
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    Stud Servicing Goats

    i think its a good idea myself some people just make it sound like all goat herds all desise fest and people just breed rampintly to ever they can find Common sense tells me to ask questions on were they got the goat is it healthy to look at it first and so on I dont think most small time people...
  16. B

    Stud Servicing Goats

    very true and good replies i could get a couple diffrent bucks if i get bucks at a young age they wont cost me much and feed is purdy cheap hear 2 dollars a bail hay grain is harldy much money wont feed much grain id just have to figure my price 50 dollars a doe and so many dollars a day if...
  17. B

    Stud Servicing Goats

    i am thinking about gettin 2 pygmy goat bucks paperd and keeping them housed together maybe with a weather also and studding them out for a fee would this work to make a litle money i have had bucks and bred does and hav raised lil goats before so i no about them the smell does not bother me i...