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  1. Amiga

    Down on the Duckstead - Amiga's journal

    Starting this out, here. Got the garlic in, finally, a couple of weeks later than my usual late planting time. The weather's been really mild, I think we are okay. I refurbished the garlic beds - dug out the paths between them and placed that nice, organic-matter-rich material on top of the...
  2. Amiga

    Laugh(s) for the day

    There are a few statements there that would be difficult to dispute!
  3. Amiga

    Hi, I'm Tuco from Omaha Nebraska

    Welcome, Tuco! Sometimes I forget there are people in the world with so much in common with me. While my musical preference is, stereotypically, bluegrass, old timey:welcome and gospel, I do play an autoharp and enjoy jams with my friends. I have owned a few motorcycles and enjoyed riding...
  4. Amiga

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    When we had ducklings, all I could get for starter was turkey-waterfowl, 27% protein. I did some arithmetic, and based on Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, added chopped rolled oats - not instant, and I would not feed it to littles without chopping it up - one part oats to 4 parts crumbles...
  5. Amiga

    Hi from Montana

    Hi, Lawana, I enjoy making salves, also, and continue to learn more about plants and their abilities to help us out. Comfrey is one of my favorites. I know people and animals who keep getting various bumps and breaks, and a nice comfrey salve (and poultice) is good for that as well as good for...
  6. Amiga

    Thoughts on Raising Mushrooms

    I have bought indoor mushroom kits from them in the past and was very happy with the results. They also sell spawn you can sprinkle on the mulch in your vegetable garden, so you can get a harvest of both veg and mushrooms, and the mycelium of the mushrooms helps the vegetables grow stronger.
  7. Amiga

    Anxiety/phobia remedies

    A couple of thoughts - lemon balm is a nervine, helps soothe anxiety. There is a Bach's for fighting fear (rock rose, I think). On a different tack, I used to have a dentist phobia. Long personal story, but it was intense. I am okay now. Part of that was talking it out with someone who knew...
  8. Amiga

    Thoughts on Raising Mushrooms

    The wetting process looks . . . cumbersome. But then again, having high quality nutrition for only four hours a week doesn't sound like such a bad tradeoff.
  9. Amiga

    Raspberry problem

    I wish I had a ready answer for you, but I do have a few thoughts that I hope might help. I know it's been a week. I am up to my ears in projects, so I don't get on here much. Okay. I think the water could help, because my feeling is that it could be a circulatory problem with the plants -...
  10. Amiga

    Thoughts on Raising Mushrooms

    Greetings, I have enjoyed using a few indoor mushroom kits, and am looking to expand on that. Seems I ought to be able to establish some mushroom growing structures outdoors in the woods. I have seen photo's of inoculated wood, stacked something like a log house. Ideas? Thoughts...
  11. Amiga

    homemade toothpaste

    I find that activated charcoal and ground up horsetail herb are good additions to toothpaste or powder. If you burn clean hardwood in a wood stove there is a free source of charcoal. It needs to be finely ground.
  12. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Sweet dreams, all.
  13. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    I need to turn in soon. Please keep us posted. Your instincts are going to be better than mine on this - - my nightmare is dismissing something that turns out to be more trouble than expected. I think I am not the only one who feels that way. But on the plus side, she has no fever, is that...
  14. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    I might put a drop of tea tree oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil and dab a tiny bit on there. Yeasts are s l o w to get rid of as you know. Although I did well a few years ago - fasted from all sugar and starch (yup, even fruit), and in five days or so, a rash (that I reckoned was yeast)...
  15. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Do you suppose it could be a little yeast infection, like an opportunistic secondary infection? Coconut oil is supposed to be effective against yeast, and I think tea tree oil and oil of oregano. It would not foam with H2O2.
  16. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    I think you are right - we can leave it up . . . there was a good bit of warning about it. Spoiler alert, eh? Let me think - the edges - are they raised, with the pale colored stuff a little lower? Or is the whole light colored center higher than the skin around it?
  17. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Kids generally can figure these things out pretty quickly. Once I have seen it, we can take it out of the post
  18. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Well at the risk of causing someone reading this to get the vapors, could you take a photo of just the problem area and upload it? Or, to preserve the faint of heart, I could find a link to a photo of an ulcer like I have. Maybe a link would be better, then no one would be blind-sided by a...
  19. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Had no kids of our own, but between us, (siblings on both sides) we have 54 nieces, nephews, grands and great-grands. And have had a hand raising a good number of them. Tears at my heart for any of them to hurt or be ill. So, sending love and prayers. Keep up the good work!
  20. Amiga

    help please kiddo has an infected chicken pox bilster

    Well, I always hesitate to suggest whether it is time to see the doctor - - especially since I am not right there. I think you are approaching this in the right way, and a nurse's advice is quite valuable - I feel that most nurses have seen more than many doctors. Are you dealing with a...