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  1. T

    Tomatoes not blooming

    I think it depends on the variety. I've always looked for heat resistant varieties and have never had fruiting problems.
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    Shoot me...hubby just took out the tailgate and

    My dad did that with his goosenecck horse trailer. I want to get a flat bed to prevent ME from doing it because I'm sure I will at some point.
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    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    Good luck. I've read on Byc of other people trying and they can get the hens to laying age but they still don't breed. If you do manage it they won't breed true since they are cross breeds of cross breeds.
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    Packaging birds.

    Ive never had the insidde of a bird get freezer burn. You can also let the bird rest after thawing. It works either way.
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    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    If its the cornish cross your planning to keep for breeding you'd be better off butchering them. They don't breed naturally and die very young.
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    Veggie stock

    Thanks y'all. Hubby just has a thing against veggies...... If he can see em he won't eat em.
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    Veggie stock

    Any recipes on how to make it? I like to cook with it because my hubby won't eat veggies if he can see them so everything gets liquefied so it can't be picked out. Our local grocery store doesn't carry it any more.
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    Help! Is this a good deal???

    All my empties go in the sun room or garage.
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    Packaging birds.

    Thats the only place I've. Been able to find them. I also have turkey sized ones too.
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    Packaging birds.

    I use the shrink wrap too. The directions on them say to place in a pot of hot water or use a heat gun. I used my hair dryer, finally found a use for it. It takes longer than a heat gun but was much cheaper and already on hand.
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    shower and tub cleaner for hard water stains or soap scum

    I want to know how you got your hubby to clean the shower.:hu
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    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    Thanks. I'll have to give that a try if I can hide some bread long enough to make crumbs.:drool
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    Self Sufficient potting soil?

    Paper? My animals don't read. Or wipe......
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    Getting felt-tip marks off plastic?

    Depending on the plastic I use SOS pads. I use a sharpie to mark the lids of storage containers and the SOS takes it off every time.
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    Self Sufficient potting soil?

    Me too. I've had people ask me about it but they want me to scoop it and give it to them. If they are going to take it for free THEY can scoop it!
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    Need help with making ribs

    All the additives, especially the ones that don't have to be listed, are why we started raising our own meat and veggies.
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    Need help with making ribs

    How is the diet helping the dyslexia? Traveling is always a huge headache and my daughter doesn't help by being picky.
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    How to spoil a perfectly good cow

    All our animals have fans. Its just to hot for some to not have them. Dumb auto correct program.