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  1. Javamama

    JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?

    That tractor is way cool! Congrats :thumbsup
  2. Javamama

    Java. the end.

    That's putting it mildly :sick :sick
  3. Javamama

    Java. the end.

    They didn't seem to notice the audience :sick I"m going to have to separate them today because they are still going at it and I don't want to see it anymore.
  4. Javamama

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    :ya I'm so happy that it worked out! My little guy has gotten stinky this week and I don't mind it at all. I'm just weird I guess :P
  5. Javamama

    What do you guys think of this buckling?

    YAY! :celebrate
  6. Javamama

    What do you guys think of this buckling?

    Hey did you see what my goats did to my farm plan? :P I hope you get him! :fl
  7. Javamama

    Java. the end.

    Well today Rory and Little Dude looked at the breeding calendar and told me where to stuff it :P They had their own plans. Funny thing is - she was bred on this day last year too. Goats = crazy once again.
  8. Javamama

    What do you guys think of this buckling?

    he should be ready, willing, and able :D and if they are that close, then you could have some potential goat friends :thumbsup Mine is cracking me up with his heat detecting skills. every morning he walks out of the stall, sniffs the air around each hind end and does that funny lip curling...
  9. Javamama

    What do you guys think of this buckling?

    I second what Free said...go check him out and if the farm seems clean and the other goats look healthy, then you can decide on the spot. That's pretty much what I did - when we got there the people were so nice and wanted to chat about them and told me all about what care the goats had. I knew...
  10. Javamama

    Java. the end.

    :ep and :gig
  11. Javamama

    Java. the end.

    Little Dude is adjusting well. A begrudging acceptance has happened and he doesn't get bashed unless he sniffs someone inappropriately. :D It was 39 degrees this morning. 39 degrees! I bet the trees will start shedding leaves like crazy now. Happy Friday everyone!
  12. Javamama

    A new "lighter" product package

    I have a coupon for a free one but I haven't been tempted to use it :P It's probably expired now.
  13. Javamama

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Aw. He's just worried for you. But he's gotta man up, right! Wishing you a happy delivery and easy recovery. My kids were all forced evacuations, but not c-sections. :D Giving birth was the greatest high ever for me. and it lasted until the sleep deprivation misery set in.
  14. Javamama

    Big Bang Theory - I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!! SERIOUSLY?!

    :gig Maybe he and AmyFarahFowler will get hitched and create a cyborg child.
  15. Javamama

    Food Processors - How big is big enough?

    Mine is - I think- a 7 cup and it's not big enough. Get the bigger one. :thumbsup That said, I would love to have one of the mini sizes too.
  16. Javamama

    Big Bang Theory - I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!! SERIOUSLY?!

    Heeheehee. I can't wait for Bones too! I've gotta know how 'it' happened! I think I love Booth. :love
  17. Javamama

    Saving fallen leaves for the goats

    Well right now they are gobbling them right out of the air :lol: But yeah, I think I'm going to try to save some, providing we have a dry fall.