A doe in milk can't gain weight? ...excuse me for a moment while I fall over laughing :lau
They never met my tubbies. And they were only getting about a cup of grain a day. That weight was all from hay and pasture.
Oh I wish I wasn't drying them up so I could try out the carrot thing.
:lau I'm telling ya - short goats are the way to go. :gig
yes, hot weather makes me feel bad. Actually, it's more the heat+humidity that affects me and that's how summer is here.
I know I'm an oddball, but I love, love, love cool weather. :weee As long as it is dry-cool. But we haven't had much luck with that for a couple years.
...just saw a man driving a fancy lawnmower down our road at full speed...not something I see every day :hu
Must be the full moon.
Today I'm making potato soup and bread. The kids got adjustments to their braces yesterday and do not feel like chewing. Plus it's about to get cold and rainy...
:yuckyuck Yeah, you don't really get a john Denver vibe from OFG's place
just remember how similar deer are to goats :D
anybody who crowds the gate here gets shot with the water hose. And even though they hate it, we still have to do it every day :rolleyes:
It appears that they did not...
Um, QA I don't even want to think about that :D
So today that goat girls are out of heat and the adoration of Little Dude has turned to "don't even LOOK at me, my food, or my friend or I'll bash your little head into the wall" Poor guy is so confused. He tried all his bucky tricks and they just...
... Java hatches plot to get OFG to come do her yardwork by shouting "Duuuuude!" every so often...hmmm, I may have to keep the little guy around for longer than I thought.
He's really just so freakin' cute compared to my other tanks.
So it would seem I had a moment of insanity when I saw this little guy on Craigslist :D He was listed for a long time, the price kept dropping and I just couldn't stop myself. But I am so happy we went and got him. Not only is he adorable and sweet -now I don't have to worry about driving my...