Humidity really makes for a miserable time processing chickens
Yum - add some cabbage and potatoes to that ham and green beans and it's one of my very favorite meals. With cornbread :drool
...and that reminds me that I haven't checked my green bean forest for a few days - we haven't had any...
Ooooh, that recipe does sound good. But I'm going to wait until the temps drop out of the 90s :P
I thought the darn humidity was supposed to drop today!
BB - that EE/Cochin cross must be beautiful!
Deb - I should totally name him Napoleon :lol: Or Napoleon Dynamite, heehee. The little dude is in the doghouse though because he won't stay in the yard - and all the other chickens follow him over the fence right toward the neighbor's garden. I...
My angels prefer to lay in the chicken boxes :D But that's only when the coop is left open all night, because I don't get out there to open it before they lay in the morning. Otherwise, I have one that just drops it where ever she is, and the others that like to make a nest under a bush.
Karen - do you mean the one that is in the photo with the white hen? She's not one of the ugly mystery chickens :D She's the one I thought was a roo for a long time.
That white one with the brown splashes is called an Amberlink from Mt. Healthy hatchery - I have 2 of them and I really like...
Well, it's good to know somebody else has gotten one of those ugly TSC "australorps" :D The roosters are going to freezer camp tomorrow. I can't stand their crowing - they sound like broken trombones. It's awful. Not sure what I'll do with this little guy though - he's handsome and completely...
Nope - sex-links are supposed to be barred, and these didn't have any defining colors as chicks. The males and females looked identical.
There were a couple threads at BYC trying to figure these out and nobody ever did that I know of...
Aw darn :hit You did your best. :hugs
...And what is wrong with people that they feel the need to come after a person like that? :smack A breeder should know that sometimes things just happen that are out of our control.
Becca - Marans was the only color pattern that I thought came close too. But that gold head is just weird. And then hens don't have any red. It's just weird.
edit to add: in no way do I think these are Marans. They are mutts for sure :D There must have been a heck of an accident at the hatchery
So here's the TSC mystery chicks that were sold as Black Australorps all grown up. They are so ugly I can't stand to look at them. So I'm going to sell the pullets, eat the roos. The roos will make a nice meal because they are friggin' huge! And ugly. Did I mention that I think they are ugly? :P...
I'll get some calcium on them soon. Wish I could do something about the rain - we got soaked again last night. I heard some places in Ohio got 4+ inches! No idea what our total was, but all the water buckets were full this morning. And now I'm battling hornworms on the tomatoes. I'm gloved up...