Search results

  1. HornyToadAcres

    Sales Tax Exemption

    Oh my goodness! Once I finally found the right info, registering for a Sales Tax exemption in Texas was super easy. Especially since I already had a tax account for other businesses on the comptroller website. The hardest part was selecting the activity since I am raising meat rabbits to sell...
  2. HornyToadAcres

    Feed prices

    When I lived in the Charlotte NC area and was still homeschooling, I knew many folk in the Grow Local movement (I think that was what they called it then). I didn't so much disagree with their aims or with the base of what they were about as they didn't seem to realize that not everyone in...
  3. HornyToadAcres

    Feed prices

    Unfortunately crypto is no longer a way to avoid T as they ask about it directly. I played the crypto market in 2017 for about 8 months and made enough to buy the acre next to us. Not from trading skills but from simply good timing for once in my life. Crypto markets are highly manipulated by...
  4. HornyToadAcres

    Feed prices

    Yeah, I was trying for optimism with my gas price prediction as in Hoping it is ONLY $4/gallon this summer. I'm laughing only because the alternative is not pretty.
  5. HornyToadAcres

    So much evil

    I wouldn't want to "ruin" this forum with politics. I have been kicked off summarily from a knitting site that I didn't even know had a political section. It still smarts.
  6. HornyToadAcres

    So much evil

    I am VERY interested in this. I do belong to MEWE. Another suggestion is WhatsApp - those communications are supposed to be encrypted. We use that with a family member with a high level military clearance. I also personally like Gab and it does have a Group function. The founder/owner there is...
  7. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    Oh my, your chickens are amazing! I didn't know about vaulted skulls but I do understand what you mean about hatchery Ameraucana, that is what mine are. Took me a little while to learn they were just Easter eggers. I bought some from TSC last spring (an impulse buy which I normally do not do)...
  8. HornyToadAcres

    Hi! I'm new to all these! Will need help =p So glad to be here!

    I am brand new to rabbits and have a small flock of chickens. New to this forum but i love it already. Welcome!
  9. HornyToadAcres

    Feed prices

    Comment from the Permian Basin Oilfield... When the barrel price of oil gets up to $50 and over, you will start to see some more production. However, if, as in one of those EO's that were supposedly not the "right way to govern," no more lease permits are granted, the available permits will...
  10. HornyToadAcres

    Hi Marie here

    C R A P - never thought of that - it goes for hay as well, doesn't it? Or does it, or do you have to know where it is coming from? I mean, not only am I feeding my bunnies coastal hay that I have no idea where it came from but I also just mulched my precious (to me) new bamboo plants with it.
  11. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    Please please please post some pics of your silkie/ameraucana/EE birds!! One of my daughters briefly raised silkies for a 4-H project. We drove 2 hours to meet a lady who was on a cross country silkie delivery run. And I had my first experience with bathing and blow-drying a chicken.
  12. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    Yes, I agree it would be hard to do it naturally in northern zones. Pretty sure what I am doing Is simply adding them to the environment once a month. I hate to explain this because it is the opposite of self-sufficiency not to mention we can barely afford it this year. But the thought of...
  13. HornyToadAcres

    Fermenting feed

    I see what you mean. I have done a bit of composting so not completely clueless (just close to it!). I will have to be creative. It is hard to describe the sheer lack of vegetative material here. If we had any trees to speak of, actually I have planted exactly 3 weeping willows, which lose their...
  14. HornyToadAcres

    Rammy's Rabbit Thread

    You were absolutely right. Just needed a couple more days.
  15. HornyToadAcres

    Fermenting feed

    Thank you for the extra encouragement. I have been "playing" at chickens until now. I don't currently have the kind of records it would take to know the rate but I am setting up better records and getting more serious about each homesteading activity. So I am currently putting the used "bunny...
  16. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    First, that is interesting information about Black Soldier Fly Larvae. I have looked into that some but I did not know the added attraction of them decreasing house flies. The fly predators I get come from Spalding Labs ( and attack the pupae stage of the fly. I can't...
  17. HornyToadAcres

    Bamboo for Homestead Use

    I have had old-timers here tell me that there was no mesquite 50 years ago. Now it is everywhere the land is not being actively used for something else. Non-native species can definitely be an issue. And yes, nuisance!!! I try to roll with it. The scariest invader I ever saw was the kudzoo (sp?)...
  18. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    This is not very self-sufficient of me but I am eagerly awaiting my first spring shipment of fly predators. They work really well for me. Just house flies but a lot of them. I feel like a wuss after reading this thread. It's JUST house flies. :sick
  19. HornyToadAcres

    Hello from west Texas

    Yes, I was on BYC a while back and I know what you mean. Somewhat different "audience." My daughter put it very well - here on Horny Toad Acres, animals are Pets, Production or Products. And we don't even have anything that is solely a pet. We just can't afford it. And that creates a...
  20. HornyToadAcres

    Rammy's Rabbit Thread

    Slowly reading through this wonderful thread but quick question. My first litter just opened their eyes day before yesterday. Well 4 out of 5 did. If the one still has eyes closed today, suggestions?