I'm sure y'all have talked this to death already somewhere but i just wanted to say WOO HOO for fermenting chicken feed!
I just started doing it a month ago and my feed use has been cut by 75%.
Not just from fermenting the feed but because I don't have every bird from 5 miles around eating my...
Kenzie, you are in Georgia? I just started raising rabbits and decided on TAMUK variety to start. This is a composite breed developed at Texas A&M for the hot summers. They have fairly large ears, lighter (though soft and pretty) fur and breed young (does at 4 months). They have good meat to...
Yes, running bamboo can definitely be a nuisance where it gets out of hand. Especially in milder climates. Our invasive plant here is mesquite. We have to beat it back constantly from surrounding acres. The seeds can sprout even on top of the chipbase that covers most of our property.
It wasn't an impulse but it was definitely a splurge. My mom has sent me a birthday gift. I probably should have stuck to just one variety. I will definitely update on how they do.
Yes! I hope to be able to eventually sell divisions. The place I purchased from thought I might possibly be able to get divisions from the clumping variety as early as fall just depending on how it goes. The two runner varieties will probably take until next spring.
I also think the chickens...
In Wisconsin they used to say there were two seasons: Winter and Road Construction.
But seriously, I found out why people who move to Florida complain about the bugs, the heat and no seasons.
But not the mosquitoes cuz yeah, WI had seriously huge and hungry mozzies.
and the black flies sound...
HAHAHA I hope not! I have never been to Maine. I did live in Wisconsin for a few years though and oddly enough, did some of my best gardening there even though the growing season is short.
I just planted 3 varieties of bamboo on our homestead.
You don't have to tell me it is too close together, I know!
We have a slab of caliche that is at various depths/thickness
and it happened to be only 8 inches down and very solid
where I wanted to plant. So hubby took the backhoe and...
Mushrooms may be my next project. My favorite video channel is GroCycle because they are oriented towards low tech mushroom growing. I am not sure if allowed to post links but they do have a vid on growing mushrooms outdoors. I wish I had more experience to give you ideas myself. I do think you...
Making the rounds - just joined BYH and trying to get back into BYC.
We are going deeper into raising/growing our own food
as well as sharing/selling the extra.
We have had chickens. I just added meat rabbits.
And planted bamboo.
Gardening in a challenge in the high desert of west Texas...