Has anyone ever frozen corn still on the cob? If so, do you leave it in the husk or no? If not, do you pre-boil or?
Yesterday I found a great deal on some fresh corn (4 for $1) These are huge, looked great & I planned on canning some, freezing some & of course eating some. I bought 24 ears to...
My oldest son had a girlfriend that had never seen or even heard of 'homemade' pickles. Apparently she thought they grew that way (pre-pickled). I was dumbfounded that she didn't know there was even a process of turning cukes into pickles. :th Needless to say, she didn't last long :lol:
You know it gets very wet & soggy here :D What I had meant was to put the shredded paper inside the shelter so that it is protected from the weather.
Our 'coop' is just a lean-to built off the side of the garden shed that is roofed, and in the winter I enclose it with fence sections (one of our...
Another suggestion for critter litter is shredded paper if you have a shredder. I finally broke down & got a cheapy ($20) at WM and have been shredding all our junk mail, newspapers, papers the kids bring home from school, etc. It makes great litter in the coop and can go to the compost too...
Most of it doesn't bother me a bit. 'Warsh' as in 'wash' makes me smile but for some odd reason it does bother me when someone says 'Warshington' vs 'Washington'. It bothers me less when the person is a newcomer or visiting, but it really drives me nuts when the person was born here and still...
If I were you, I wouldn't sell to anyone like that. They may be on the up & up, but I wouldn't trust it. What you can do to find buyers (it never hurts to have more than one) is to take your finds to jewelers or pawn shops or coin shops & just ask them what they are willing to pay. You don't...
My mother once told me I was just like my grandmother..."you smell everything, what's up with THAT?" I told her that you can tell alot about something from the smell. Not only food, but other stuff as well. I even smell our firewood.
I've noticed when shopping, most people just look at it and either buy the item or not. They might pick up something and turn it over or at best give it a squeeze but not much else. Either way, not really paying too much attention to what they are getting. I'm referring mostly to fruit & veggies...
DH does this too. And what I've learned thru him is to be very careful when buying and who you sell too.
You are probably better off establishing a trusting relationship with your buyer (who you sell too) to give you the best price. Never sell to those places that advertise on tv about 'buying...
The sooner you can get to those apples the better.
Applesauce....you can use just straight apples with just enough water in the pan to keep them from sticking & cook em down to a sauce. You may need/want to use a tater masher to help them along. You can also add some sugar if you want or even...
That article has some great info about what to feed listing quality grass hay & NO grains or sugars. But oh my gosh, I knew horses ate alot, but average 20-25 lbs per day??? :th That equals about 1/2 a square bale per horse? Yikes, no wonder they're called 'hay burners'. :D