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  1. 2dream

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    You Win. I won't complain anymore. Its been wet here for about 2 months and I am frustrated but your post got me beyond that. I can now sympathize with someone instead of being frustrated. Edited to add: Wannabee - how long has it been raining in your neck of the woods? Maybe I should...
  2. 2dream

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    Thank you all for your kind words, hugs, prayers and thoughts. Please keep me in your prayers cause we can all use those. I am so frustrated about all the rain I am getting. My english peas should have already been in the ground but the rain would not stop long enough to let me let me till...
  3. 2dream

    Companion Gardening

    On the marigolds. I has to be the African Marigolds to work. They did help keep the rabbits out of my garden. That was another reason I planted them. Rabbits are a major problem for me but the marigolds really helped. They also helped keep the mosquitos at bay. I am a really big marigold...
  4. 2dream

    Companion Gardening

    I love you folks. This just happens to be my "learn more about it" topic for the upcomming season. My plans this year include companion planting and I have started reading up on it again. A few years ago I had great success with marigolds planted around the entire small kitchen garden. My...
  5. 2dream

    ink marks on an expensive doll

    You really need to post a picture of that refurbish job though. I have never tried that and would love to see the outcome. I have a 3 year old granddaughter living with me now and I think I may need that insturctional video in the future so please pass along that knowledge. Yes, older is...
  6. 2dream

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
  7. 2dream

    ink marks on an expensive doll

    Go ahead and paint. Nothing takes paint off of a doll. Especially an expensive on that you treasure. You can probably guess how I know that. Kind of like their hair never grows back after one of your children lovingly gives it a hair cut. :rolleyes:
  8. 2dream

    Hello From AL

    Hello from Mississippi. :welcome
  9. 2dream

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    My husband passed away Wednesday, January 25th. We had to move him from home to hospice on Friday. So I was able to keep him at home almost to the very end. ALS (Lou Gerigs Disease) is such a horrible disease. But his torture has ended and for that I am thankful. He is now free from the...
  10. 2dream

    Hunting for food...does it justify the cost?

    There is public hunting land in Mississippi. DP check it out. You will find something close. Just be sure to wear your orange, drop a ticket in the box as you go in so they will know you are there, and have your hunting license up to date because they usually check you either coming or going.
  11. 2dream

    Hunting for food...does it justify the cost?

    Ahhhhh, yes Bee, I know that warm fuzzy feeling. From deer meat to fresh veggies. Its all about that warm glow. Hunting for me has alway been fun. No different from that person who spends 100 dollars a week going to the movies and eating out. Its what they do for relaxation. I much...
  12. 2dream

    is this a duck or chicken

    :D Those are well worth 10 bucks. My guess would be Ducken.
  13. 2dream

    Am I Practical or Mean?

    You get a practical vote from me as well. Love my animals. But they are not pets. They are their for a pupose.
  14. 2dream

    yikes--how to answer lol

    Laughing at you. I always answered my kids questions with total honesty, using the most technical terms available in my vocabulary. LOL. I discovered they usually just said ok and were satisfied even though they did not understand a word I said. As they got older they understood the...
  15. 2dream

    Fencing in the Garden

    Oh, a gate is not optional, its necessary. At 60 you don't jump out of the back of trucks and you don't climb over fences no matter how short. - When I fall it sounds like a croaker sack full of mason jars were dropped from the top of the house. :lol:
  16. 2dream

    A question regarding canned meat

    Personally for me, canned chicken and rabbit is the absolute best. Plus there is no way I can eat all that meat fresh when I process. I will freeze a few if I don't have at least a half full canner. But the frozen ones get used first. I have 2 freezers, but they are reserved for other...
  17. 2dream

    Fencing in the Garden

    I use the plastic fencing as too. I zip tie to rebar (which I just happen to have a zillion pieces of). Like Mattemma, its easy to take down at the end of season or cut a few zip ties for easy access for the tiller. I roll my fencing up at the end of season and store it in the shop out of the...
  18. 2dream

    Online/Correspondance classes for herbal medicine??

    Vintage Remedys might be a good place to check out.
  19. 2dream

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Love the pics. What a blast from the past
  20. 2dream

    Got us a Kitchenaid Mixer!! Now what?!

    I don't right now and haven't since my DH has been sick. But yes, for several years I made every piece of bread we ate in that machine plus I sold several loaves of bread and at least 2 dozen rolls a week. I also sold artisian breads occasionally if I had orders. I love making bread and my...