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    Defending Yourself, Your Family, and Your Homestead after TSHTF

    We suffer from a this side of the tracks issue here. A main road divides the area fairly well in half the haves on one side and the self sufficient on the other. The haves have such a sense of entitlement that I know they would quickly be a problem. They don't plan ahead and they assume we'll...
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    Linky no worky.... well it does work, but every time you click play it goes to a commercial page and sits there.....
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    Southern part of PA on border of MD and DE :frow
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    Not too bad afterall

    Yeah, my working makes it work and I have got nothing for the summer so that is three months of worry.... But I know I'll go back come Fall and I suspect DH will have something by then :)
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    My BIL is a moron.

    unfortunately it isn't stealing. Technically the blade belonged to FIL and when he was told about it he just shrugged..... I believe he got $20 for it - because he would have accepted $20! As you said even as scrap it was worth more than that, but I bet the dude saw him coming gave him $20 as...
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    My BIL is a moron.

    Go ahead, open up your dictionary and look it up, I am certain his name is right next to moron. It must be. During the big snowstorm our scraper blade broke (I am pretty sure he was responsible for that too) The blade is a very old one, huge heavy and iron. Dh said he would get a welder...
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    We have in our basement a box....

    Full of old electronics! Cell phones, pagers, phone cords, modems! Can any of you think of a way to recycle any of this??
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    Not too bad afterall

    Here CHIP is the state program that covers kids. It works on a sliding scale, if you only have unemployment it covers everything, if you have more you need to pay a share. We will pay about 50 per child per month, but it is still 400 cheaper than keeping the kids on COBRA. We kept COBRA...
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    Not too bad afterall

    DH reminded me what we weren't prepared for really was the cost of COBRA and the process for getting the kids enrolled in CHIP. The addition from the feds that helps cover the cost does help - but we weren't prepared because we didn't research it before hand and we should have. The other was...
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    Not too bad afterall

    Tankshill that is a good question. When we started to get concerned about lay-offs - in Oct 08 we made a savings plan specific to be able to pay the mortgage. Both of us are more afraid of being homeless than anything else, so it was easy for us to decide. But, we had a long conversation...
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    Not too bad afterall

    :lau :gig :lau :gig :lau :gig :lau :gig :lau Oh gadzooks thanks for that laugh!! So innocently given. You have NO idea! Yes, he does have a brother - an incredibly overweight loser who at 42 still lives in his parent's basement and works part time..... Sorry, I have no idea where DH comes...
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    has anyone taken a friggin polygraph test

    So when are you taking the dang thing?? Or how did it go?? Inquiring minds want to know! :pop
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    Not too bad afterall

    Its been a couple of months now since DH got laid off. And you know what? We're doing fine. Dh is a very hard worker and with all of the snow we had and a tractor with a front end loader he scored some work. Then he bartered some labor for fuel. And then astonishingly enough he won the...
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    The Savvy Barterer--References, Skills, and Tools for TEOTWAWKI Barter

    My friends who went through the collapse in Iceland said booze, cigarettes and feminine hygiene supplies. The government did not collapse completely so basic services were still available but the money was pretty much useless and these items bartered well for food.
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    What to do with....

    So I am definitely going to use at least one as a tool box - ideas on paint or should I just go for a rustoleum type thing?
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    Compost from kitchen to pile~what's YOUR system?

    That's my kind of system! I just keep a bowl near the sink. We go out to the coop at least twice a day. If it is chicken food it goes in the run, if it isn't I toss it on the compost pile. In the summer the chooks free range and they churn up the compost very nicely for me so I try to bury...
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    Well that was my question: does it need to be handled differently? Does it cook leaner (game meat usually does). I know it can go in anything I would use for ground beef, but I was hoping ya'll would stop drooling on my keyboard and give me some ideas of what works better with the stronger...
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    Got a pound of ground bison. What to do with it??
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    Hurricane lamps

    The part of the lamp that holds the wick and moves it up and down - in this lamp it is a large round shape. A semi-circle. The wick comes out squared so the edges are out way farther than the center and so they burn funny.
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    Wood burning savings

    Actually it isn't massive compared to other fireplaces. And the opening is actually much smaller..... Look up wood burning masonry heaters, this is what we have, two keys soapstone and external combustion air. If you cannot engineer the solution there are other ways of doing it such as...