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  1. O

    2012 TSHTF Preps

    Maybe I missed it, but the last time we had a good long storm what we needed and didn't have (but do now) was a spare car battery. It helped start things that simply needed priming and to help out the cold bound vehicles. After that, here is my philosophy: I do what we can to prepare so we...
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    What's under the Denver airport?

    I have read a couple of these sunspot theories and of the 2012 disaster scenarios they are really the only ones that have any credibility to me. Sun storms are a distinct possibility and the sun has become more active over the last decade, but like other things that are possible it cannot be...
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    Lessons from Haiti?

    Wow, the storage facility of my dreams! When we built our house we embedded the back of the basement into the hillside so that at least that part is fairly well protected. I would love a root cellar. Maybe some day.
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    Lessons from Haiti?

    Well, we all know how horrible things are in Haiti, and my heart goes out to them. But, for them the S HAS HTF. But, I quickly got to thinking: all of my preps are stored in my basement. If my house collapsed they would be useless to me. What would you do? If a quake happened in the...
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    Ok pig people...I just found a stray piglet!!!! (NEW Photos pg 21)

    No where, absolutely no where on the internet would this conversation happen!!! Not a one of you said to call animal control or anything and like was said only here would people think this was a gift from the universe!! :lol: I love this forum! :bun
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    Female troubles....

    The best BC of all - NO. :lau :gig Actually, read a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Hands down every woman should own a copy and give it to her daughter as soon as she hits puberty.
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    Female troubles....

    Actually the reason I can't do cranberry is because I have been dosing myself with ground cranberry for years and I developed cyctistis which annoyingly enough is aggravated by cranberry. I had to stop taking cranberry to stop the pain, because it is not an infection..... I'll have to try...
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    Female troubles....

    Ladies, I know I would have suffered something awful had I been born a hundred years ago. So I got to thinking in a SHTF scenario if we ran out of anti-biotics or other commercial cures for UTIs and yeast infections.... What do you use?? I know about cranberry and eating yogurt but that...
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    Monsanto Company of the Year says Forbes!

    It's about what you believe the purpose of money is: Enjoy!
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    Monsanto Company of the Year says Forbes!

    Forbes named Monsanto Company of the year working with Monsanto in recognizing they have a "public image problem"
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    Will this guy ever stop lying??

    Apparently the rifles are not being given out until after closing - they sent out letters saying that your loyalty prize would be mailed to your home.... But, the main questions: will this guy ever stop lying? Apparently not! He promised the state he would mothball the place for one year to...
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    Disaster Scenario

    :lau:gig :clap
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    Feed for chickens?

    I have one store some 12 miles away that carries feed for chickens. My chooks are free ranged much of the summer, but now they are too prone to hawk and fox attacks. But, I got to thinking: I don't know what to grow to fed my chickens without the help of agribusiness. Sure they'll eat...
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    Disaster Scenario

    My great uncle left money for his wake. He wanted the keg behind the casket and said his casket should not go in the ground unless there were drink rings on the top! I need to know the gender of the prisoner and the drug addict. I am surprised so many people threw the drug addict under the...
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    My bread won't rise

    I always proof my yeast in the winter esp and like the others I turn the oven on and bring it to its lowest setting then turn it off and open the door slightly to raise bread. The house is too cold. I also set my bread too rise next to the fireplace sometimes depending on temps.
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    Move your money!

    I love this clip! My only question has to do with moving IRAs and the like. If you're not cashing out, can you simply take your business elsewhere?
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    Financial goals for 2010

    We've been doing good with saving and SS lifestyle in some respects and this is when it pays off, DH lost his job, and while I am scared, I know we'll be OK for a good long while before things get really bad. And I know both of us are the type who will always work, if we can't get the job we...
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    Help me make a shopping list!

    The chunk is what we specifically planned on putting aside for food stuffs and SHTF supplies. We have a log splitter, we have an emergency fund for the year. DH just lost his job,, but with me working we can be OK tight but OK for a year. We have most of the canning supplies already, I am...
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    Varmints: The chase is on.

    OMG I just told DH about this and he lit up like it was christmas and said. ""What a great idea!" I said, "It blew up their garden!" His reply, "But then you don't have to till it!" Great gang thanks!!! I know who to call when my garden looks like Iraq!!!
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    USDA figures

    So then it still doesn't explain the USDA numbers!!!!