My FIL is the king of rude insensitive comments. He has said so many I could write a book. His all time best though was after he met my very pretty sister.
He looked straight at me and said. "Your sister is SO pretty, what happened to you?" And he was serious! Like it was a legitimate...
We will be getting back a chunk of money this february as a settlement.
DH and I agreed to spend a nice chunk on food stuffs supplies. I mean regular food mostly not Mountain House stuff. If you had a chunk to spend on stocking up what would you buy?
My side of the family long ago discovered we all love consignment shops and the like so no one is allowed to give anything new! It has to be regifted, repurposed or second hand! :bow
It makes the whole thing lots more fun and way cheaper on everybody.
DHs family acted like I told them to...
Ladyhawke, I truly sympathize. I spent years looking for my intellectual equal in high end jobs and cities. I found alot of overeducated idiots and no interesting people.
Education does not make you smart. Native intelligence and curiosity does. A curious person is never bored and never...
I thought about posting this in finance, but it really is more a family issue. Yesterday we exchanged gifts with DHs family. We had warned everyone ahead of time that christmas was going to be tight this year and we would be giving small gifts, or made items.
DHs brother hasn't had a decent...
I was raised in what I used to think of as the suburbs. Then I met DH who showed me what a suburb was in his perspective! We had lots of fun over such issues as what constitutes a "garden" : to me a plot of maybe four feet by six feet with some vegetable plants was a garden. To him anything...
Where do I want to go??
Where do I NOT want to go is easier. I might turn down a ticket to Somalia. Might. Anywhere else on the planet, if it was at all safe to go there and someone offered me a ticket - I'd pack! :lol:
I love beaches. I love old places. Don't like vegas, do...