I still highly doubt that a wic worker can influence anyone.
If someone went in there who is a junk food junkie and feeds their kids garbage on a regular basis and the wic worker tells her to feed them a list of health foods, don't see it happening.
People are going to do what they have always...
The people who run WIC are not geniuses by any means, but their program does help, people are getting free food and I doubt they take anything they say to heart much put into action anything some worker says to them anyway.
I have never heard of WIC doing a physical, a weight and height check...
Worrying about what other people get is a waste of energy.
My husband has had 4 major back surgeries, as well as a spinal fusion.
He had been at the same company for many many years and lost his job because he could no longer work in that capacity.
Did it hurt us financially? You bet it did, but...
This thread is going down a bad road.
Its gotten way off topic, and into he said she said back and forth.
No good can come of this anymore. Let it go and have a nice day.
The schools have always had valentine's parties in every class since I can remember.
Charlie Brown's Valentine has been on each year since I was a kid.
Our town also has a valentine's party at one of the churchs.
So the children are exposed to it, they will gain some understanding of it and I...
I still make the class treats, since I am class room mother I actually have to organize the parties anway and the kids give out class valentines.
I still make the chocolate heart shaped lollipops for the kids to give out to.
I give each of my own kids a small heart shape box of chocolates and or...
I hate these manufactured holidays. Valentine,s day holds no appeal for me whatsoever.
I always felt that my husband and I should appreciate eachother everyday without the card, flower,candy, jewelry and restaraunt industries telling us to do so.
If he wants to get me flowers he can do that...
Strangely I never really hear about any drug arrests for weed around my area, or any chronic problem with that particular drug.
It seems I only hear about the harder drugs so I can either assume its not the drug of choice of the people in my area or law enforcement is more interested in catching...
Glad you found something that will help your pain.
I really have not given this subject a whole lot of thought in that past but I guess if its used in the right context it can help people.
In Massachusetts its no longer illegal to have some weed ( oops marijuana) if its less than something like...
Pollinating the almond orchards can be very rough on the bees and can weaken the colonies. Many times they sell the bees right after pollination.
There is alot of debate surrounding this practice.
I understand that orchards need their crops pollinated but I wouldn't send my bees down there.
I do the same thing, I always have the next project in the works.
Yes, some of the bees (the field bees) will go out and forage and other bees like the worker bees and the nurse bees will stay in the hive.
Then you have the guard bees that stand at the entrance to protect the hive.
Its all...
I don't know what happened but finally today everything is back to normal.
I felt like I was in the twilight zone or remember the movie Groundhog day where every day was the exact same thing?
My page never changed.....
Now see I got this notification to my e-mail that there was a reply to my post and can see this post fine.
But when I hit recent posts nothing new comes up, its been the same page for me all day, the last posts were at 11:00a.m. according to the recent posts page.
I have to manually go into each...
I think there is something wrong with the recent posts page, nothing new is showing up including this new thread, but you can look for stuff individually.
I don't know if its just my connection or not.
I am checking this site by posting this. I can't see where anything was posted here after 11:00a.m. today and I know thats impossible.
My screen doesn't show any new posts and its 3:30p.m.
Yeah, but he would be walking directly in front. The barrels are in the very corner where the hives are going to be so he would have to walk across the whole row to get to the corner.
Thats why we were teasing him, we told Joshua we weren't going to move them and he could just wear a suit, just...