I am keeping the bees in my yard, I picked a spot in a corner where no one plays. It is where the two sides of the fence meets so its also a good windbreak for the hives.
The only thing that is over there is where we usually put the trash barrels so I am going to move those to another area, or I...
My kids had to watch the innaguration at school, but they always do anyway. Aside from them being totally bored, I don't have a problem with it. Its done in our schools with every president.
The amount of bees to a hive can vary between 40,000 and 60,000 but a good strong hive should have at least 50,000.
You can buy bees in what they call packages and they are sold by the the pound so usually come in 3 or 4 lb packages and then they give you a queen.
The producers take a bunch of...
You are right, they do have to rebuild their combs.
That is why some beekeepers choose to reuse their combs after each extraction, sometimes for many years, they recommend that you don't go longer than 5 years though.
Those combs can get black and nasty.
I plan on doing alot of cut...
It was definitely a good book, not a long one though but its worth a ready, especially if you are starting out and don't have any bad habits to break.
You can order the downloadable version as well.
Where are you Drake? Are you in Mass?
Thanks Drake!
Here are a few off the top of my head, some are natural beekeeping and some are just good books to read about beekeeping.
Natural Beekeeping by Ross Conrad
The Buzz About Bees by Jurgen Tautz
ABC XYZ of Bee Culture by Dr. Shiminuki
The Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell ( a good read)...
Thanks Karen, I am excited about it.
I am glad that I spent so much time doing research because there is so much information and misinformation out there.
There is a saying that if you ask 10 beekeepers a question you will get 10 different answers.
There are so many different methods out there...
me&the gals, make sure you use a blow torch on all the woodenware before you use it.
Old equipment can harbor alot of disease and organisms that will destroy your colonies.
Well, I am deep in it now!!:)
I just ordered my nucs and a package through the beekeeping school.
I signed up for two schools, in two different counties and joined the associations.
I read 15 books in the past year to get ready and joined a few beekeeping forums.
I have been educating myself...
Farmerchick, that was the point I was trying to make.
Insurance for me is not a scam either.
I get my money's worth and making payments all these years is like money in a health savings account, only I take alot more out of it than I put in.
You can go years and years and only need it for...
oh yeah, the carbs. My sister in law did that carb free diet too.
Insurance may not be the answer for everybody, but it has certainly been for me.
My insurance payments are only a fraction of what I and my family have used for medical.
Just my surgeries alone, do you think I have actually spent...
Looks like we will all be hatching at the same time.
I got my Welsummer eggs today too, along with some Golden Cuckoo Marans, Ameraucanas and some eggs from my own flock.
I crossed out some of Black Copper Marans with my EE to get an Olive Egger.
All of my chickens came from breeders and are...
I would never fathom not carrying medical coverage. My son for instance needed a surgery last week, with 2 days notice. Now what would happen if we didn't have insurance, sorry son we can't afford to take care of your body right now.
Maybe when we get some insurance we'll get it taken care of...
I am glad you founds us. Have you been over the backyard chicken site?
Lots of info over there too.
Where are you from? May have some other members here from your area.
It sounds like you have a great plan. You will be able to find anything and everything that you need between these 3 sites.
Hi Buster, Welcome.
The reason there is not a forum on raising your own food is because this site has a sister site called the easy garden and nifty does not want to duplicate the forums or take away from the garden site.
There other thing is there is already so many topics here that its a...