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  1. T

    Edible Mushrooms--Hen of the Woods

    the last 30 years Paul Stamets has collected, cultivated, studied and written about mushrooms. Hes the founder of Fungi Perfecti, a company that sells a variety of mushroom-related products, including kits for growing edible mushrooms. Hes also written several books, including Growing Gourmet...
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    Edible Mushrooms--Hen of the Woods

    Check out this mushroom! Health-Benefits.aspx?utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email Edited to add: this guy knows his stuff, maybe you can get his book. He has one mentioned I think on page three that will tell you how to grow mushrooms in...
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    Your Personal Location for Food

    I heard there was a lady that produced cheese in your area.:lol:
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    Stupid Question Time!

    Well he has that one figured out!
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    Your Personal Location for Food

    I live in Massachusetts, as Ann already said there are plenty of cranberries to be had, along with most every kind of fruit and vegetable excluding grapes and bananas. We have lots of fish markets and plenty of farmstands and farmers markets here. I hit 2 of them a week all summer long. I also...
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    Edible Mushrooms--Hen of the Woods

    You know, I just saw those logs that you buy and grow mushrooms on in a catalog recently. I was surprised because I just never thought of that being something they would sell. Its a cool thing really. I have mushrooms grow out of a stump in my yard every year but I have no idea what they are...
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    Moving Forward

    Really PP, because I never attacked you in anyway. You just may have a problem with someone disagreeing with something you say, but there were no attacks. Here is the thing, the moderator of this forum asked members to quit posting so much personal information and keep it more to the SS stuff...
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    hen stopped laying

    Well inchworm, Looks like your ee is saving up all her nice colored eggs for spring. Just think how inundated you will be with all those colored eggs.;)
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    Moving Forward

    As far as all this goes, and its getting way off base here. It has been stated that there are members who prefer that you don't air your dirty laundry in the public forums and that should be respected and not argued with. I came here for ss info and in the beginning, (and I have been here...
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    Whole Wheat Pasta

    Karen, you can make your own ricotta cheese filling very easily. I bought a cheese making book and the starters, its very simple. In fact Pat and Chickens and I both have the same kit and when we were trying to make mozzarella we both ended up making ricotta (mistakes) so obviously its very easy...
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    Whole Wheat Pasta

    I could be wrong but I am pretty sure you need a machine for those types of shaped ones. I am so unfamiliar with this myself but I don't know if you need a machine for all of it. I get those catalogs from places like Chef and Williams Sonoma and I see those machines in there all the time, I...
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    Moving Forward

    This probably accounts for alot of the old members who use to post alot of valuable information no longer even come here anymore. In fact I only check in here once or month or so now since I have to sort through the drama to get any good info. Sorry but its true. I use to come here everyday but...
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    Moving Forward

    I think what she is saying is that she really does not want to have to move things or have to sift through stuff either. She seems to be asking that people just refrain from posting about their personal life that does not involve anything relating to the premise of this forum. We are adults so...
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    Cheeseburger Salad

    Thanks keljonma, that recipe sounds great and don't worry some starchy side dishes once in a while won't kill ya. I love tortillas.
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    Russian Teacakes - scaled

    ooh, those sound good. I have all those ingredients on hand too. Something to do tomorrow, being snowed in with no school tomorrow and looking for things to do.
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    hen stopped laying

    To the orginal question, I think she probably just stopped laying due to the shorter days. My easter eggers are still laying an egg a day but I know that some of the other breeds are only laying every other day. I notice it seems to go in cycles, I will get 16 eggs a day from 20 layers for days...
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    Fels Naphtha safety

    Nothing in the world is really pure anymore and we just have to pick and choose the lesser of two(or many) evils when it comes to stuff like this. The world is surrounded by chemicals and we ingest them every day, I would say laundry soap no matter what it is made of is a lesser concern unless...
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    what tea plant would make tea like lipton tea????

    Yeah, I think you are right about trying to grow those teas here. The only kind of leaves you could probably grow are the orange and mint types here and have those flavored teas. They aren't going to taste like lipton though. The other thing is if you are trying to save money its alot cheaper to...
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    Many years ago my sister and her husband moved into a new apartment with their infant. They realized shortly after that the place was infested with roaches, like the time my sister go up in the middle of the night to get the baby a bottle and when she opened the frig there was a roach sitting...
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    Fels Naphtha safety

    I don't think its any worse for the environment than the commercial brands. The purpose of making homemade soap is the savings involved, which can be substantial, especially if you have a large family. You can make your own and it can cost 3 cents a load.