Do I remember reading a post mentioning Five Guys Burgers somewhere? :hu
I just found out that one will be opening on the base here in March! There seems to be a real buzz about it! Are they that good or is it just so boring out here that we get excited about the opening of an envelope? :P
Been swagbuckin' today... I wish my connection were faster. :( It makes it difficult to watch the videos and stuff. I actually qualified for some of the surveys for a change though. I'm lucky if I qualify for 1 out of 20! And I can't seem to convince any of my friends to sign up! :barnie...
Hi Cindi!! :frow
After I read back my post, I thought these people are gonna think I am nuts being happy about a 1/4" of rain! :gig But out here it's a pretty significant amount. When monsoon season comes (July/August) we pray it will only be 1/4"! :fl Last July we got just over 2" and that...
Woke up to pea soup fog this morning. It was really cool! Couldn't even see the chicken coop 40' away from the front door! I haven't seen fog like that since I moved from Long Beach more than 10 years ago. It burned off pretty quickly though once the sun rose.
So the rain has gone and has...