Hi y'all! :frow
Sorry for being MIA for so long!! I, unfortunately, have not had internet access for quite some time now. We are both still alive and healthy, so no worries there!!
Haven't been doing too much SS stuff lately. Still have chickens, but the gardening attempts have been an...
Thanks Everybody!! Sorry if I worried anyone, but there's nothin' to worry about here!! All in all life is good!
Gotta get out there and water now, so I'll talk to y'all later!
I am so happy to be back! Gotta lot of catching up to do and new folks to meet I see!
:hugs to all of you!!
Hi Everybody!! So sorry to have been away so long. Life in the desert has been rather busy the last month or so (when was the last time I logged in?!) :idunno
Happily, J has been extremely busy with sewing jobs and that as been taking up most of our time. 2 weddings for a total of 8...
J got stuck in Long Beach doing alterations to just about all of the outfits he made. The girl that measured everyone did not do it correctly! :barnie At least she measured everyone larger than they really are as opposed to smaller. Much easier to make an outfit smaller than larger! :/ He...
Just checking in! Nothing much going on around here... Helping J with the big sewing order. I am the designated presser! It's really funny how things work out... He got this big order and everyday since he has had a new client call for alterations or to have a dress made. I love it! I...
This Cheerio doesn't discriminate!! ;) If given a choice, I'll choose the Fruit Loop every time! :clap
ETA: After reading the above, I realize that I sorta contradict myself! :/
I'll try that the next time. Thanks! I don't usually have buttermilk on hand, but I imagine whole milk would work.
Cinnamon-sugar is good on just about everything!! I prefer butter and cinnamon-sugar on my pancakes over syrup! :drool
We do fried rice on a pretty regular basis. It's great...
Got the peas moved out side into their containers. I need to get more soil before I can put the cucs and tomatoes out. I want the tomatoes to get a little bigger before I move them out. I took pics, but I don't want to post until I have everything out there and growing! ;)
I am definitely going to check out Nu-stock! Thanks Pinky!! ;)
I put flour and seasonings in a plastic bag and drop each piece of chicken in one at a time and shake it around til well coated. I pat dry my chicken parts before I coat them. No milk or egg or anything fancy! It bears no...
I have looked in to Leghorns. They are a bit too light and flighty for my set up here. And I really do prefer the heavier birds. The feed store here doesn't carry any breed that can't tolerate the conditions, so I feel pretty comfortable getting whatever they will have to offer. I've had...
I was wondering if it really does keep well in the freezer and here you go confirming that it does!! :bow Thanks!
Great score on the shed and everything! Got the peas you sent planted in their containers and ran out of soil. Tomatoes and cucs are next! Thanks again for the seeds! I hope...