Doing feeders today I had to YELL at the oldest boy (6) to not slam the door shut when the wind is blowing hard enough to do it without you touching it. It wasn't as bad as last week where it yanked him out of the truck when opening it and I had to gun it with him pulling to get it to shut. He...
Labs are smart and eager to please dogs. That's why they were the #1 breed registered in the U.S. for a long time. Now it's something less useful.
Also I was way to late to answer you @CrealCritter but others did so quite well.
On the spraying, I try to raise bee's so one neighbor of...
After doing feeders last week, I talked to the manager of one of the ranches. Somebody had lit a fire on the south side, east and west of one of the ranches that's about 5-7k acres with 25+ south winds forecast with larger gust the rest of the day, overnight and into the next morning. They are...
Like warning labels some sissie would cry and moan if it wasn't written on there.
Times have changed :(
I guess that's the difference of the age of "I you don't stop crying I'll give you something to cry about" vs. the "If you stop crying I'll give you a treat or something."
Honeybees will fly all year if a warm day comes up. They don't hibernate, just cluster together to stay warm. Usually if in the corn or chicken feed they're looking for protein due to lack of pollen. They will also do a cleansing flight (potty break) at some pretty cold temps if they get a...
It can be good and bad as well. Squash bugs and many other critters that are plant specific (if you can't rotate your corn, tomatoes, etc,,) can flourish in the same debris, even the burrowing grubs are better insulated.
Coin toss. Bees or squash bugs. Depends on what you have more of I...
Yep. It can even help them with long toes/feet. I used to walk my dogs on pavement on purpose everyday just to not trim their toes. Can be good for cattle and horses as well. It also gives them a chance to get some of the mud out of their feet. Wish I had a spot like that to feed the horses.
Not that warm here but 40's and could use the water hose.
Yea that'll be back tomorrow. I don't have to worry about the mud because there won't be any and not for lack of moisture.
Are ya looking at the screw driver pic or glove and seemingly no arm holding the tiny whiskey bottle? Whiskey not a screwdriver, orange juice and vodka. I had to think what you meant for a min.
I wanted a Subaru just for awd. Mostly when I lived next to the river. The forrester is long enough to hold fishing poles, light enough not to get stuck in small muddy spots and a big enough hatch for feed. I took it to a job in West KS one winter and was pulling 1 ton trucks out of the snow...
Although I'm south of you, I was looking forward to spending the winter in VA last time I was there. Southern part of the state not to high an elevation and I think the winter may have been better there. Also the $$$ on that one would've been my best.
Going to warm up here wed & thur. Had a...
I forget just where your at. I've spent 1 winter in between Tri cities and Wall Walla (worked in Wallula acutally). I enjoyed the summer (come home sweat to death, go back) but it is just as wet over the winter there as the house. Miserable. Very similar weather for an 1,800 mile drive. The...