Just checking. And telling any random reader. You know how some people are. While I was at a friends house the other week he kept complaining about all the bee's. I was exited because I have a swarm trap there. Then I noticed what he called a bee, anything that flew. Hornet, spider wasp...
I often have that in the incubator. The first broody hatch (with eggs added at different later dates) had a hen try to help the last few days and the helper mom hatched one more (that the first hen might have if left alone). Also they had different laid dates therefore can vary the hatch date...
Love it. It's actually cooler here this month than normal. Had a friend say the other day, I like this global warming.... I mean climate change. It's much nicer summer's than it was in the 70's- 80's and better winter's except for a few days a year.
My wife got 2, 4 packs of Jalapenos. It seems only 1 plant is not a bell pepper.
A honey bee can only sting once, then she dies.
Honeybee's MOST often will not sting out in the field collecting pollen/nectar. They have nothing to defend in your garden. Just when you rip there roof off and...
yea ditto.
I work with some pretty big ol' boys (300# +) that'll weld in the heat all day. They do prefer working up north though. ;) :lol: It's still getting used to the ac, or the heat. Get used to the ac, then use more ac, your loop you mentioned. I'm fine in most any heat if I don't...
Another option with the same principal is to wet the curtains. Cheaper than a swamp cooler, much cheaper than ac. I say were almost all born with the ability to handle the weather and walk barefoot. It's the years of ac and wearing shoes that makes us soft. 40 years ago ac was rare here and...
Maybe Wal-Mart parking lot. I do that a lot, to or from a job with the camper. They have cameras. I also don't have a problem with the rest areas. Maybe it's the .45 not the cameras.;) I'd suggest that to anyone driving. "Therefore I equalize."
You can NOT beat a honda motor. I have a little push mower, I used for a year or 2 on the yard, then just in the garden a few times a year, for maybe a year. Then it quit. still looks brand new.
My "pond" as the kids call it, is just a hole I dug for a low spot to catch the extra water before it runs off. I call it the mud hole but to the little ones it's the pond.
Not sure. It was under less shade than some of the others and by itself. The others kinda shade each other. I was wondering if it turned just to be ripe before the plant dried up.
When is a pumpkin ready to pick. It's orange, the thump sounds right but it doesn't want to pull off the vine. Also I have an amazing pumpkin patch from the boys last years, fall decoration pumpkins, that we feed to the cattle.
Also it's a'lotta early here for them to be ready.
I have a bunch of those in the east pasture, next to the chicken coop of all places. I need to catch some and put in the east pasture where the squash bugs are killing my pumpkin plants. I usually leave them alone but I will move walking sticks and praying mantis into the garden.
I couldn't see the bed post until after you said that. I still can barely see them. New glasses needed????
Yea in that case my truck hasn't looked like that in Yeeeeaaaarrrrsss.
My truck has that much in it at ALL times (just heavier). It's tight enough a 2'x4' piece of 1/2" plywood standing up messes up the set up. 1/2" is all it takes.
Happy Independence Day
When I was up there on a Paper Mill (Wallula I can't remember) the winds could get wicked. Often working at 60-80' on top of something or just wide open you could watch the storms roll in and couldn't do anything about it. Neat to watch though.
Hope the fire gets...