Good morning CHer, working on 2nd cup here too. Fixing to get colder here. I was enjoying it staying 30 or above over night. No frozen hoses, no busting ice or carrying water. Atleast the bees won't eat so much.
Good morning all. 70 a day or 2 ago. A splash of snow this morning. It's been warm enough that I've been open feeding the bees. I did a hive inspection tue. They had more stores (still no pollen) than before Thanksgiving.
I need to plant flowers inside to set out on those warm winter days for...
At auctions I've noticed in pre Biden years that many of your town people with farm money spent more after tax returns and during the summer. Before Christmas they seem to slow down and often not even show up because they're saving to waste money again.
For those who use deep liter instead of poop tubs. The shavings will greatly help counteract the excess nitrogen in the poop, It still needs to be composted, although you can cheat it a lot, but when mixed is almost a perfect fertilizer.
I remember pay phones in EVERY town, the rotarty dial and I still have a crank phone that I need to take
I still use them if I stay in a hotel. Even staying in a camper we used to visit someone in a hotel and grab the yellow pages to find out what was in town and what was close soon...
The only eggs we toss are from those surprise nest, like the ones found in the haybale. If we notice they are still using the nest and they may be new, we float them, then use them first.
Here the rabies could be acquired at TSC/name your farm store, but again not holding up in court. Then they switched to buy at a vet, even certain flea/tick meds have to be acquired from the vet. Not sure if the vet has to give the rabies now or not. They keep changing the laws "for the better"...
one option on any ??? egg is to simply have a small bowl to crack them into before putting them into the pan, bowl or whatever before cooking. That way you don't do 6 eggs into a bowl to scramble then add the wrong one on top of that.
Seeds can survive a lot. Think every year this plant seeds out, then dies, then killing frost, then next spring with a little daylight and warm weather (which thankfully we are having) they sprout.
I'm going to say those just didn't germinate. Hypothesis only. I set out rye seed in various...
I was wanting to plant some spinach again in November but couldn't find any seeds. October would have been better though. I was just wanting it for cover, figuring it would have made until that subzero we all got. May have even got to eat some.
Are you allergic to cat? Sorry :hide ;)
I joke about OK's weather to those who think it doesn't get below freezing here. I say it could be 70's on Christmas and 10 on New Years. Close this year. 0 last Thur 70 yesterday, this Thur.
Try some of this guys sets. If you don't have neighbors dogs close to you. You can't shoot what you don't see. I wish i could use some of the ranch land near me and my little chickies would be much safer.
I said neat to watch not enjoyable to endure. kinda like a post card or some of Alaskans pics. Great to look at like a war movie but not something I want to be in.
There is not any "legal" hunting anymore that depletes a population. Now I wouldn't go shoot the only pair of something around. If anything it's more not enough hunting of a separte species that can pose a problem. Turkeys will eat young pheasant and quail AND their eggs. Also coyote and other...
Because of their size I don't understand why more people don't eat pigeon.
If I'm not mistaken the permit is for raising "wild" pheasant with the intent to release. Not so much hatchery birds to butcher. (you may need to correct me)
Generally it's not a good idea to release domestic birds to...