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  1. O

    How to meet single like-minded individuals?

    Before y'all give up comepletely on blind dates I am another success story! My sister set us up and the first date was like a contest to see which one of us could find something about the other that we didn't like! :lol: All those topics they tell you NOT to discuss we covered 'em all! We...
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    Fire Wood (the way to go)

    We have a wood burning masonry heater with a bake oven in it. It is beautiful - I'll post pics when I learn how! - DH designed it to draw its combustion air from outside and trap its smoke/heat within the mass and internal tunneling. It can keep the whole house warm and I can cook most meals...
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    USDA figures

    Hey WZ! Thank you for doing all that research! It is pretty much what I was finding too, and I am still confused. Anecdotal evidence, farmers saying that the crops are awful. Then stories that the tonnages are too high to be profitable? Huh? What part am I missing? Were the new areas...
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    My Introduction

    Howdy!! :welcome Far as I can tell there is not a question asked that some one on this forum doesn't know the answer to! (Or think they do ;) ) Great group welcome!!!!!
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    Christmas $ Burning a hole in my pocket! book/mag recommendations?

    So Easy to Preserve put out by the University of Georgia. Has all the food storage and methods of putting by. Very good book for the SS person trying to learn to live of the land means you must be able to preserve food for the winter. I adore pulling out food I put up during the summer...
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    Will this guy ever stop lying??

    You gotta love a good holiday feel good movie! Too bad since Milton Friedman came along the invisible hand was only around to pick your pocket! I'd be more inclined to think he was trying to work something out if he hadn't turned down a perfectly good sale offer because "the money wasn't good...
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    Meet the Natives- Must watch TV!

    I love how shocked they were at how OLD our food is. The look of disgust on their faces when they realized the frozen turkey had been dead for months and then when she started to cook it in plastic!! :lol: They were shown affluent people, but they saw it all.
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    USDA figures

    Here's what I have so far. What I am talking about is a accusation that the USDA is not showing the true crop numbers. The idea is that weather related issues have had a worse impact on crops and food supply than the USDA is letting on.
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    Will this guy ever stop lying??

    You know I used to wonder how some of these jokers slept at night, but then I heard that jackaddodle Lord whatisname talking about how income inequality was good for the lower classes blah blah blah Parasites!
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    USDA figures

    OK this is waaay outside my field, but some one told me the usda reports on crop yields was not kosher. It was a reasonably reliable person, some one I know not an internet troll. SO I decided to look, but I cannot really make heads nor tails out of their numbers. The guy said the counties...
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    Will this guy ever stop lying??

    CEO of Dhs company told us all back in early November that things were OK and they would stay open at least through April and reassess then. This is a huge company many many sites, not a little firm hanging on by their teeth. Then December rolls in and they announce on the news that it is...
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    One more creepy thing about Monsanto

    The oligopoly parade. All that is wrong with the corporate entity as dreamed up by Milton Friedman. Amoral, immortal, psychopath.
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    Need to have a panic attack......

    My mother used to say worrying was a failure of imagination. If you could imagine it getting bad you could imagine it getting better. Just a sudden moment of clarity about the real job market. I also need to face that my resume stinks and needs to be rewritten from scratch. I need to find a...
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    Need to have a panic attack......

    OK, my "I'm sure something will come through and it will be OK" attitude has taken a kick in the teeth today. Part of me is still pretty certain it will, but it really dawned on me that we could be acing a really hard time here. And everything we worked so hard to build is in jeopardy. I...
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    Feeling good about this!

    Yeah, milk is always going to be a problem. DH hates coconut milk, so that's out. What about canned evaporated milk?
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    What to do with styro blocks?

    We also used a bunch of it to make mountains and hills for DHs train set. We made extras for the kids to play with in their little "towns". I also keep some around for making flower displays. The green florist stuff is clearly better! But, styro will work if you poke the holes with a skewer...
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    Feeling good about this!

    We have a Nor'easter coming with ton of snow (so they say anywho) I looked around and said, "Well I should pick up some extra milk." But that's it!! Got eggs, make my own bread. Pantry is sticked. This is the point!! (Got dried milk to make do if I had to, but I can get fresh so I...
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    How would you prep this - stupid newbie question

    We had a deer killed by MVA on the edge of our property last night. We had the timing of the hit so we knew it had been dead less than an hour when we found it. It is very cold here now and we're expecting serious snow tomorrow, I thought we could prep it (gut it) and hang it in the barn...
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    What to do with styro blocks?

    Collect them and make bean bag chairs out of them - the kids LOVE jumping on the bags to break up the styrofoam. I add those nasty plastic bags from the stores as extra padding. I have zippers and as they get smushed down I shove in more stuff! Edited to add - never ever let your kids think...
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    Funny, odd, weird town/city names?

    What I love and this is the truth now, you have to go through Blue Balls, and Virgineville to get to Intercourse!!!! :ep Dildo and Upper Dildo _ you made that up! :lau