I am going to try and get a pattern cut out today. May even be able to get one made lol. Just wondering what hubby will think of the idea :D i guess when I tell him that this will save him lots of money each year he will be happy with it, I hope :P
I noticed this morning that our Heirloom Tomato seeds are popping through and also our Zuchinni seeds are popping up. I am so ready for this canning season.....well I still have to get my canning seal :gig
I, so, have to learn how to make these. BubblingBrook.....I sent you a PM :) This would save us so much $$$. We spend close to $20 to $25 a month on disposibles.
I love canning our fresh potatoes from our garden each year. We probably wind up with 200+ lbs. or more and I am in the kitchen for a week or 2 just canning potatoes, but I love it. Yes, I agree with smaller potatoes = mashed potatoes and bigger potatoes for salads.....and like you said they...
Sorry that I have been gone so long, but I am sure glad to see that this thread is still going. WOW!! You all have a lot to chat about LOL
Well, with canning season right around the corner.....I thought it would be fit to come on back over here to SS and see what everyone is up to. Glad to see...
Canned 7 pints of dilly beans. First time ever canning these and they smelled so good. Only setback is ..... We have to wait 2 weeks before we can eat them so the juices and spices can marry.
Gonna pick more beans at 6 am in the morning
Also.....today I am canning Squash Relish.....alll you do different is use Squash instead of Zuchinni. I love the fact that I won't have these veggies going to waste, I hope to sell our extras :)
Try it. :drool its yummy too
Thanks free for finding it......I'll post it for those that don't go to BYC
Zucchini Relish
Yield: 5 cups
5 cups grated zucchini
2 cups grated onions
2 tablespoons salt
1 cup diced green pepper
1 cup diced red pepper
2-1/4 cups water
1-1/4 cups white vinegar
2 teaspoons dry mustard...
If you got to Yard Sales.....ask if they have one, tell them that's what your looking for. I did this and got my Pressure Canner for only $3. I was like :ep :ya I use all the time.
If you put the carrots in the jar raw and then add HOT water to them adn then process them, they shouldn't be mushy. This is how I can my carrots and they have never come out mushy. I only process them for about 30 minutes for quarts and 20 for pints.
Also, this is just a thought, maybe you...