In the county we live in...............10 years ago when I moved here it was booming. Furniture factories, Sewing factories, etc... all tyoes of jobs. You could actually quit one job and have another before you went home, that's how this county was.
Now, 10 years later, GONE. All but a handful...
Welcome sufficientforme~~~ I must let you know.......I do not let my kids eat these all the time. We only use a small portion of the flavor packet and I also give these to needy families in our area that may need a meal or two.
The main reason we stocked up is due to the fact that the Shock...
the Ramen Noodles that are 10 for $1.00 from Food Lion. I have about 10 cases now. People in the store looked at me like I was crazy. I thought to myself "how can I fix a meal for $0.10.
I told the cashier that I added veggies int hem, chicken, beef, you can add taco seasoning and salsa. There...
I was told by a lady Iknow to use a BB gun (pistol) and shoot them in the brain and let them lay for about 5 minutes, then go on with the usual cutting of the jugular then put the bird in a cone so it can bleed out.
We are gonna try this when the time comes for us to butcher our meaties.
The easiest bread recipe I have ever found is on the website. YOu can find all types there. Check it out but don't try to cook it on high.
First off, I would like to add charcoal and lighter fluid to the growing list on this thread, doesn't have an expiration date and it would see you through till you could gather wood for cooking and heating.
Second, I don't think this ""depression"" will be like the first one. Excerpt taken...
I agree with what this person posted on the Daily Paul page.
Thank you, I don't intend on apologizing for it. If I think I have the ability to help someone, then I will. But, it will not come at the price of my family starving. Although, I admit it may be extremely tough denying someone in...
Here I canned a half a bushel of Pears today and may do the rest in the morning. Whew! I'm gettin tired. But I will keep pressing on as long as the Lord provides :)
Our Teen Class at church is doing a fund raiser for a Missions Trip for 2009. They are selling High Quality Wall Calendars for $11.00 each or 2 for $21.00 with shipping included. If you would like to purchase one of these calendars, please PM me or make a post here on this thread.
Finially, here are some pics of the canning that has been done here.....
These pics contain ~~ Apples, Apple Butter, Peaches, Peach Butter, Peach Preserves, Diced Tomatoes, Whole Tomatoes, Spaghetti, Salsa, Green Beans, Green Peas, Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Pinto Beans, Northern Beans, Blackeye...
I think I am going to make my daughters each a quilt and maybe a matching pillow sham. Thinking of maybe pot holders for friends and family. How about you. What do you have in mind for Christmas?
I was told that if the fruit trees are producing an abundance of fruit, then we are in for a rough winter. If that's the case we are gonna be snowed in cause all the fruit trees I've seen are almost dragging the ground around here.
This is the first post in this thread in Sept. 08 WOO! HOO!
Today I canned so many apples and praise the Lord I still have 2 more bussels to go. Right now at midnight I have corn in the canner. I had 18 pounds of off the cob corn that is going into jars. 5 pounds of it will be made into...
We had a man that owns a n orchard give us between 150 to 200 lbs of peaches. By the time I could can them I had to throw away about 40 lbs. that were gone bad. I canned the rest, I made peach butter, peach preserves and then just plain peaches.
YOu could make pear jelly or pear pickles. You...
:clap for now but, I will have to agree w/ farmerchick, they will think of another way to get to the little guy. They'll be back, mark my word.
IMO if they would stop the NAFTA, this country would go back to being the better place to live. And you wouldn't have to worry about your food, your...
It's been rainging here since yesterday and I guess I must have been really tired from doing so much from working outside to canning and cleaning inside, that I didn't crawl out of bed this morning until 9:20 a.m.
Normally I am up at 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. but this morning really surprised me. :) I...