I know . . . pretty darn cool! :D
Sorry I don't really have anything to add to the topic at hand. All I know is that you want a sacrificial pasture for the winter and that rye grass is a pretty good pasture grass here. There is a place where you can look up how many animals you can keep...
There is a parasitic insect you can get that reduces fly populations. If you had a recurring problem that is a good solution.
Since this is a one time flair up, trapping and finding the source of the problem is probably your best bet. Good luck!
:frow Welcome, Sunsaver.
I'm curious what part of the country (I'm assuming U.S.?) you live in and if you feel solar power is a worthwhile investment in all areas . . . I live in the greater Seattle area and when I looked into it years ago, it didn't really seem like solar was a worthwhile...
Could you store the expensive stuff in the house somewhere, locked in a vehicle trunk in the garage, or in another building on the property that you could lock, and just stick things you don't want anymore in the garage?
Its creepy when you find out someone has been coming around when you...
On that note, if you have a garden, he could go outside and pull weeds before bed. :lol: That would be useful, as well as relaxing. OK, maybe it is just avid gardeners who find weeding relaxing. :lol:
Yeah . . . Nutella is like chocolate-hazelnut flavored pure sugar crack if you ask me. I think that was the first and last time I will ever buy it. :P Not to say it didn't taste good. :lol:
Hey, BBH. I like the idea of healthy brownies, but I'm afraid it is an oxymoron. I was hoping for...
Right. I guess since 4 months of feed for me would be about $500 it makes more sense to me to order a bunch and store it, but I'm guessing your feed bill is lower than mine and you would have to store the feed longer.
The other option would be finding other people in your area that want to...
I guess I'm with Dace on these brownies . . . I mean if you are going to call them "brownies," the expectations have been raised. I think they should be called "chocolate, nutbutter bars" or something.
However . . . if you are not a purist about keeping them healthy, I found that a few...