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  1. DrakeMaiden

    Vanishing Business

    A large plant nursery bit the dust near us. They had a large retail section where they sold Christmas decorations and interior decor year-round. That might be the part of the business that dragged the nursery down, since I don't see any other nurseries going out of business. Several art...
  2. DrakeMaiden

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Yay puppy! Cute name too! I like it. What breed or mix is she? We are getting a puppy too!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! I just ordered the book you recommended to me about training dogs! :D We found Great Pyrenees puppies! Yay! Oh! Oh! I want the dish on the MIL!!!! I've got my own MIL...
  3. DrakeMaiden

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    NO WAY!!! LOL I was just teasing. That is kind of freaky. Ha ha. Good to see you too . . . I've been meaning to stop in. Hey, do you have a cheat sheet for the last 4 months? What have I missed? I imagine quite a bit!
  4. DrakeMaiden

    Gourmet Mint Double Chocolate Ice Cream

    :lol: ok . . . change that to: *buy more vodka :)
  5. DrakeMaiden

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    :frow Hey OFG! Oooops . . . I thought you were cutting cheese in the kitchen again. :lau But I guess you are just dealing with obnoxious cold and blustery weather. I'm sorry to hear it! We had some strong wind with below freezing weather in early November and it was horrible. I've never...
  6. DrakeMaiden

    Gourmet Mint Double Chocolate Ice Cream

    :lau Except you should be threatening chickens, not ducks, silly! YUM :) Oh . . . Wifezilla you forgot to add: *buy vodka
  7. DrakeMaiden

    How to start with a baby?

    Are there any CDs of children's songs that anyone would recommend? I am not a good singer and can't remember most of the songs I knew as a child. :P
  8. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    Booker81 -- love that tent! :) We are getting to the point where he can almost sit up by himself and he is just starting to play by himself. However he is on to me and my tactics . . . he knows if I sit him up with his toys that I may try to get something done a few paces away and he...
  9. DrakeMaiden

    Applying to adopt!

    Well, if you need medical assistance during labor, you can easily rack up 20K in delivery bills alone! So no, unfortunately I don't think it is the most expensive way to have children. :P
  10. DrakeMaiden

    Applying to adopt!

    I didn't get a chance to read all of this, just the initial post. I hope it works out for you! I know you want at least one child, and it sounds like you would be great parents. :) My husband and I always talked about adopting, but we got a big surprise last year when we found out we were...
  11. DrakeMaiden

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    :welcome Hi! Sounds like you fit right in! I find that the more I try to do for myself, the more work seems like a waste of time. But the money is nice. :P
  12. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    Thank you! Do you know how nice it is to hear that? :D
  13. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    Thank you! :)
  14. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    That's right, lwheelr, I temporarily forgot about the free labor aspect of older children. On my good days when I think I'd have another child, I tend to use that as my "pro" argument. ;) Of course that is why people used to have lots of kids . . . for help with the chores. The first child...
  15. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    Yes, Pat, that is exactly how I feel. To the point where I try not to even read about what he should be able to do by then . . . keeping my head down and trudging along. So why is it that parents have more than one kid? Parental amnesia caused by lack of sleep? ;)
  16. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    Sadly, this has already become my gardening style, as I have more space to tend than time these last few years. :( It wouldn't be bad, if I could get out there and cut down the weed seed heads before the seeds spread everywhere. Oh well. I've been more focused on keeping edible plants alive...
  17. DrakeMaiden

    what jobs work around kids' school hours?

    Sorry to hear about your situation, Pat. :/ :hugs If I were in your shoes, I think I would opt for being self-employed. Cleaning houses may be the easiest means of self-employment. If you are self-employed you are not going to have quite as many conflicts of interest when it comes to...
  18. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    But of course! :D I'm just trying to think of what I can do when no one can come over and I have a bad case of gardening fever. :P
  19. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening with Infants?

    :lau Yeah, I'm wondering if mine is going to insist on being held all the time. He seems to prefer that right now. :/ OK, yes, I should enjoy it.