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  1. R

    Mr. Clean-Magic Eraser

    Has anyone used the magic eraser pads from Mr. Clean? If you haven't let me tell you it is a wonder and will the same. My kids thought they were Picaso's stepkids and plastered the walls of the apartment we were living in with all kinds of drawings and foolishness. And I literally spent two to...
  2. R

    By what method should we take?

    My husband and myself are considering purchasing a home that has wood as the exterior. I can not tell you what type of would but it is not something I would want to keep. The house was built in 1978 and the wood has been painted over and it is not very appealing. Now we want to eventually...
  3. R

    Pools,are they more of a hazard than recreation?

    I was like everyone else who grew up without having a pool, I said that I would have one when I buy my first house. Now that has changed I would not want a pool at all now that I have small children. I know that now they have these screens and gated bars you put around your pools, however this...