Search results

  1. Hattie the Hen

    Bra patterns?!?

    :frow Abi, This morning I just happened across this information (with a video) of how to make a dress-form using duct tape. It seems a little less messy than the papier mache option........!! ;) Good luck, Do post photos if you try it...
  2. Hattie the Hen

    Bra patterns?!?

    There is a very good book on the subject, full of detailed diagrams & pictures. I know it can be bought from Amazon here in the UK but I don't know about in the US. Unfortunately it is pretty expensive because it's a specialist book. Maybe you could borrow it from a library. It is called...
  3. Hattie the Hen

    Making Liver/organ meats Palatable

    I would like to bring to your notice an older British version of a steak & kidney pie known as Steak & Kidney Pudding. Here is a link to a wonderful recipe by Delia Smith (who is a much loved cook here in the UK). I usually make mine with lambs kidneys but you can use any kind you can lay your...
  4. Hattie the Hen

    Making Liver/organ meats Palatable

    :frow Years ago, when staying with friends in Germany, I was treated to a wonderful dish cooked with lambs liver. My friend had sliced it very thinly (this helps a lot to counteract the texture problems some people have with it) then soaked the pieces in milk for an hour. She then drained &...
  5. Hattie the Hen

    eczema/psoriasis type problem

    I find this US product works for me, whereas no UK product touches it. ALOE PROPOLIS CREME I have used it for years whenever the condition flares takes a few days of applications (every few hours) for it to start to abate...
  6. Hattie the Hen

    moleskin tanning preserving

    :welcome Hi there! I live in the UK so I did a bit of research here on traditional tanneries & found these links.......>>>
  7. Hattie the Hen

    Free's bread for the perfect 100% whole wheat recipes

    :frow Try incorporating some mashed potato in with the flour. You will have to do a bit of experimenting with the amount as flours are very different in various parts of the world. When I had my restaurant here in the UK we made our own bread several times a day & always used potato as it kept...
  8. Hattie the Hen

    Where is the plum cake recipe using prune plums?

    :frow My apologies......:rolleyes: I should read more carefully....!! In which case you might like this one........>>> The one I used to make had a yeast pastry/cake & I used Switzen plums, but now they are not imported here any...
  9. Hattie the Hen

    Where is the plum cake recipe using prune plums?

    :frow Pflaumenkuchen is made with fresh plums not prunes but I have found you some good recipes for the dried type which I presume is what you have. :drool
  10. Hattie the Hen

    "To be" or not "to be"

    :frow Oh ORchick, I am that confused old I'm over here in the UK, where our version of English is very different anyway. Sometimes I sit for a long time trying to work out what is meant by these jumbles of letters etc & finally have to Google them......!! But then I remind...
  11. Hattie the Hen

    Good Thoughts for Sally

    I have just woken up here & seen Sally's post. I am so glad to read the good news that Sam is gradually improving....such a relief. :hugs :) Hattie :)
  12. Hattie the Hen

    Good Thoughts for Sally

    My thoughts & the best of wishes for Sam & Sally & family are whizzing across the sea from the UK. Hattie
  13. Hattie the Hen

    The great broody experiment (new pics p 18)

    :frow :frow Hi Farmfresh, I get so frustrated being so far away in another country because you would be very welcome to some of my boy chicks. Both the pure Dorkings & the crosses are wonderful birds......very strong & healthy & surprisingly gentle. They make great fathers too. Caesar, who...
  14. Hattie the Hen

    The great broody experiment (new pics p 18)

    :frow :frow I agree with you & it really surprised me!! I am very soft hearted & sentimental but once you have dispatched them & struggled with all those b....y feathers you are just very glad to have good tasty food in your freezer & on your plate. Also over here in the UK the price of food...
  15. Hattie the Hen

    Vinegar Mother - RECEIVED. Thank you!

    :frow Try this link. :) I had been doing some research on this subject as I have a lot of apples this year & thought I would try to make my own vinegar. If I come across anything else I will post it here. Good luck. Hattie
  16. Hattie the Hen

    Pig-ervention....French Canadian recipe link located! p3

    :frow Now you have really got me interested as a friend of mine in Koln used to make this for me from a recipe of her grandmothers. I never got the recipe for it & I have never heard the name since until FD posed it; so I looked it up on Google. Yum-yum :drool I might have problems with the...
  17. Hattie the Hen

    Pig-ervention....French Canadian recipe link located! p3

    :frow I happened to come across these recipes for cretons this morning & they are in English, my French is very basic.....! :D They look very tasty.....I might have a go myself.....!! Hattie
  18. Hattie the Hen

    Pig-ervention....French Canadian recipe link located! p3

    :frow In the UK we call this Brawn. I used to make it a lot but nowadays it is much harder to buy a pig's head. I can still buy pig's feet (called trotters here) though so I use those along with other cheaper cuts of pork; the trotters produce a lot of gelatanous goo...... :cool: Here are some...
  19. Hattie the Hen

    What are you fermenting today?

    :frow ORChick, Thank you so much for those two links, especially the second site. Many years ago I used to work a lot in Germany & fell in love with all the different breads there but found it very hard to find good recipes I could understand (as I don't speak German unfortunately). With...
  20. Hattie the Hen

    By request ... How I process my turkeys - WARNING FOWL pictures!

    Hi Farmfresh, A big Thank You from over here in the UK....!! I killed & processed 10 cockerels, ALONE. earlier this year ( after a lot of reseach on various US forums, videos, etc). I don't think I could have managed a heavy turkey though... too heavy for me...!! Over here it is so difficult...