Search results

  1. luvinlife offthegrid do you deal with it?

    I had a similar feeling a while ago. I delegated tasks. I am a manager at work, so I have no problem doing this. I recognize when I can't do it all. The stuff that needs to be done, I asked for help. I let hubby pick what he wants. I would have liked him to pick more, but alas! ;). He is...
  2. luvinlife offthegrid

    How to spoil a perfectly good cow

    I am not familiar with large livestock, and I've only had chickens for just over a year. But this heat and humidity is crazy. If an animal can't sweat, what do you do? I had my husband cut the window that was supposed to be out put in when we first did the coop. Now there are openings on...
  3. luvinlife offthegrid

    What is the meaning of your log in name?

    I thought I had answered is already too. Guess not. I am really enjoying life off the grid. I tried to register lovinlife offthegrid, but another user has lovinlife. Didn't realize that until after I joined. I should have lurked for a while instead of jumping right in head first! Maybe...
  4. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Deb- it's the FUNNIEST thing to watch him. After he hits the ball, he looks back at his foot to make sure his toe is pointed "just so" and has had the proper follow-through. It's really hard to not giggle while watching him. He has done that since he was a toddler. I just feel bad because...
  5. luvinlife offthegrid

    Free-For-All Seed Swap...Packages Going Out Today!!!

    :barnie I KNEW I should have joined this. Next year maybe. :D I wanna hear what everybody got. :pop
  6. luvinlife offthegrid

    Bee stings

    I have heard that vinegar helps with bee stings, but baking soda/water paste works for wasp and hornet stings. I've never used vinegar for bee stings, I've never been stung by a bee. It supposedly works because the venom is alkalyn. It works as a chemical magnet and draws the venom out. I...
  7. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Well, the fox didn't come when I told him it was time for his "lead pill". We have sat guarding since Tuesday, and no fox. Finally got the dang raccoon that was getting into the garbage. Now we have a skunk somewhere close by. I could smell it off and on all day today. I think tomorrow...
  8. luvinlife offthegrid

    kitchen thingy WTF is it?

    Well I believe others had it right first. Is there a make and model etched somewhere on it? I'm sure there has to be something online for those old things. Let us now what you find! Try cooking whole tomatoes with some onions and spices and run it through your mill.
  9. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Chicken. Corn. Potato. Bacon. Chowder. That is all. Have a great weekend, everyone!
  10. luvinlife offthegrid

    Farmer's Markets

    What the heck kind of farmers market doesn't have jams or jellies?! :th For Christmas I would put together little sampler baskets of different sizes. One I made for family members who now live far from "home" was one I wish I'd done for myself. It was a small version of an adirondack pack...
  11. luvinlife offthegrid

    Farmer's Markets

    That's great! I wish you the best of luck. :)
  12. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Well. Girls are on lockdown unless free roaming is supervised. We have a very bold gray fox that has stolen one hen and taken a few feathers off another. I am thinking this is what got Rocky a few weeks ago. But the evidence doesn't support a fox attack, so I'm uncertain. Anyway...
  13. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Hm. Any issues. You know, I can't say I've had any issues with them. As I said, they do boss the other ones around. I have a leghorn that has some missing back feathers, but I think it's because she is the bottom of the peck order. When I do see the PRs pecking, it's not that hard. These...
  14. luvinlife offthegrid

    Hello from Mississippi

    Bein a Yankee, I never heard of these things you call muscadines. What do they taste like? How do you prepare them? I'm from Macintosh apple and maple syrup country. Welcome!
  15. luvinlife offthegrid

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    I am also having picking problems. I have several feeding stations in the run. Everybody has plenty of protein, etc. I never see anyone else picking on these two leghorns. Well, once in a great while, but not enough to justify the feather loss. And the feathers are broken off like its...
  16. luvinlife offthegrid

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Count me in as another one who wants to :smack
  17. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    My PR girls and the bosses of the yard. They are also very...chatty. The rooster was very skittish from the beginning and he was very aggressive, so had to go. I just opened the run divider for the 10 week old newbies. The ones bullying them are my 3 dominiques, not the PR's as I expected...
  18. luvinlife offthegrid

    OK Navy guy having issues with abbreviations

    From your kitchen gadget post, I see you have no problem with "WTF". :D