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  1. luvinlife offthegrid

    BACOG - Lessons learned in the the $35/week food challenge

    The taco soup sounds really good. My son loves tacos and soup, who doesn't! Have you ever made your wn taco mix? It's prett easy. I finally found a recipe for a mix that tastes like the stuff you buy in the packets, only without the additives.
  2. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    I was looking at those last week. :drool
  3. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    If you need a higher capacity and can afford it, the brinsea stuff is pretty high quality. I use the ecoglow brooder and l love it, because it uses 14 watts vs an incandescent light bulb or worse- 250 watt heat said you use a LG now- what manufacturer?
  4. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Deb, I love how dead-on the temperature stays. With the other one, I was constantly fighting the temperatures trying to keep it lower. The bulb thermometer coupled with the wafer really stymied me. This is my third hatch. The first one was during the county fair as a project for people to...
  5. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Eggs in the bator are doing well. I have 6 little swimming aliens in there. A couple have air cells that are smaller than the others, I hope they'll be ok. I think the shells on those are a little thicker, so they don't lose as much moisture through the shells. I might have to let them dry...
  6. luvinlife offthegrid

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    If its that humid already, there's only one thing to do. Grab a glass of something cold, grab a book, or watch the glass sweat.
  7. luvinlife offthegrid

    usedteabag - or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Journal :frow I just realized after reading your response to me- I have no desire to be fully self sufficient. I would rather trade off with others. We have about 8.5 acres in the middle of the woods. I haven't read...
  8. luvinlife offthegrid

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    It wouldn't matter to me if you did! I was up past my bedtime. Sorry. XD
  9. luvinlife offthegrid

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    I... Um... OH! Ball PYTHONS. *cough* I had to read that a few times before it sunk in. :cool:
  10. luvinlife offthegrid

    Brand New to you but not self sufficient ways.

    Welcome! Sir Loin sounds very regal, and it sounds like he is making the farm his kingdom. :D
  11. luvinlife offthegrid


    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out. The two latest ones I've watched are "Bag It" and "Small Farm Rising". Other favorites are "Dirt-The Movie", "Food Inc." (but everyone's seen that) and "Botany of Desire".
  12. luvinlife offthegrid

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Oh gosh, sorry about your chicks! I'm glad to see you were able to get new ones though. The little puffy cheeked chipmunks are so adorable! Good luck with them. One of the EE Americauna chicks I got is turning out to be a rooster, I think. His name is "macaroni" because when his big...
  13. luvinlife offthegrid

    usedteabag - or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Journal

    Welcome! I just read your journal from the beginning, so I'll just fling a few sentences at you in response. :) If the baking soda/vinegar doesn't work, my friend just posted a recipe for homemade conditioner. I haven't tried it yet, but she has. She says it is nearly as good as store...
  14. luvinlife offthegrid

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    At least if you somehow manage to yank your back doing security, you'll at least be getting paid to do it. ;). I also find it admirable that you're recycling all that metal. I know you're doing it to get some coin, but its got another benefit as well. Good luck.
  15. luvinlife offthegrid

    tick keep away

    Are the ticks still bad? Do you have a lot of leaves where you are? I have found that raking the leaves and dumping them off the hillside far away from the house helps. I have a big stand of oaks, and the ticks are terrible. Apparently, the mouse population is down this year, and that is...
  16. luvinlife offthegrid

    ORChick's "Is it really that hard?" journal

    Well apparently lots of you are doing this. I just reviewed a few journals. Good luck, everyone! :)
  17. luvinlife offthegrid

    ORChick's "Is it really that hard?" journal

    Have you thought of making quiche? Eggs are a cheap source of protein, even if you don't raise chickens. Also- I'm impressed with what you were able to buy with so little money.
  18. luvinlife offthegrid

    black and brown bugs with antena

    Yes it looks like a wood roach. They like to hang out in firewood piles and deep leaf litter. I have only seen one in the house- dead- in the bark scraps where we put the firewood next to the stove. They don't generally live long in the house if they do find their way in there, but I would...