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  1. luvinlife offthegrid

    How to build a Solar Hot Water System

    Hubby installed heliodyne for my parents, and they like it. It's a small array that heats their domestic hot water.
  2. luvinlife offthegrid

    Help understanding solar

    Hm. Just reading this after being away for while. I wonder... I don't know the load estimates for the hot plate vs. a small microwave for reheating stuff. For coffee or tea, just boil water somehow. (And I'm wondering if a lower wattage microwave would have a lower load than the electric...
  3. luvinlife offthegrid

    What's your least favorite chore?

    Ha! I thought I was the only one who hates doing the dishes! And so many people like any chores related to firewood, just like me! :celebrate I would rather clean the droppings board in the chicken coop than do the dishes. Laundry is the 2nd least favorite.
  4. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Thanks for the feedback! I would have responded in a more timely manner, but the email notification thingy didn't work.
  5. luvinlife offthegrid

    It's that time of year...what are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for everything I have. And I don't mean the material things like jewelry, cars, or the iPhone I'm posting with right now. I am not just thankful for my family, but thankful that they accept me for who I am. And thankful that the ones who don't, keep their feelings to...
  6. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Here area few photos that sum up what's gone on since July. Hiking in the woods The hens started laying! I love fall
  7. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Wow, I can't believe it's been since July 11th that I last posted here. Summer was busy. We spent a lot of time outside- in the garden, in the woods, and in the boat. Most of the time spent in the boat was me trying not to act frustrated/nervous/annoyed that it wouldn't start while we were...
  8. luvinlife offthegrid

    Where did everyone go?

    Heh. I guess I missed all the drama. I had a busy summer, and a busier fall. How is everyone doing? :frow
  9. luvinlife offthegrid

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    I used to work for Head Start. I loved it. I will say that it seems that different counties and different states run their programs a little differently. Your little one will have a good time. I would say take the opportunity for the nap and do not feel guilty AT ALL. :D and: Yay for...
  10. luvinlife offthegrid

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    Ooh, silk with a steamer- very fancy! I just do cotton shirts as a science/chemistry project with my youth. I also like it because it's LITERALLY hands on and is great for teaching spatial relations. I haven't had to order dye in a long time, but if I remember- don't they have different...
  11. luvinlife offthegrid

    SKR8PN.... two small butts........

    Guinness- the beer that drinks like a steak! :drool
  12. luvinlife offthegrid

    SKR8PN.... two small butts........

    Diet beer and barley pop! That was great for a laugh! :D Now if you'll excuse me, my extra stout is waiting for me. ;)
  13. luvinlife offthegrid

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    I see you've been playing around a bit with procion dyes! Just got done doing tie dyes for a 4-H youth project. First year we did this we used a kit from dharma trading co. Now instead of the synthrapol I use oxyclean and warm water for the stain removing step after rinsing. Sometimes you...
  14. luvinlife offthegrid

    New York State

    My sister lives in Cazenovia, and I'm from near lake placid. Welcome!
  15. luvinlife offthegrid

    Homemade fruit fly traps.

    I only thought of banana because I was out of red wine vinegar and straight red wine. *hic*. ;) Bananas are the first things I find them on, so I just threw a piece in there to see what would happen.
  16. luvinlife offthegrid

    Homemade fruit fly traps.

    I have been using a paper cone flipped upside down in a tall glass with a piece of banana in the bottom, but then I found a trick that uses a tapered plastic bottle (2-liter soda bottle). I think I will try this later. What's your best home made fruit fly trap, and what do you use as bait...
  17. luvinlife offthegrid

    HELP! Pet Dander allergies...I think...New house...son coughs

    Just curious if you found what was making your son go allergy-nuts. Or did you just clean everything and it disappeared?
  18. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Had a great weekend. Now I have settled in to enjoy summer at home, for the most part. We got a new eureka tent, the 4-man. Love this tent. We slept out in it all weekend- all 3 of us! Squriming kid in the middle makes for groggy wake-ups, but we just make more coffee. Had relatives over...
  19. luvinlife offthegrid

    luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

    Hadn't thought of that. Will do. They ARE great, I was on it the other night. :D