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  1. Buster

    How many chickens do you have? Or if your Wifezilla how many ducks?

    Right now? About 75 chickens, 15 turkeys, 5 ducks. In two weeks after harvesting? 15 chickens, 5 turkeys, 5 ducks.
  2. Buster

    So where should we move?

    Yeah, some people say everything is bigger in Texas. Nope. Just the egos and the cockroaches. An Oklahoman friend of mine said he was 19 before he realized "d*** Texan" wasn't one word, his daddy said it so much. But I gotta say, some of my favorite people live in Texas. My daughter, my...
  3. Buster

    So where should we move?

    "ALLLLL.... my exes live in Texas. Texas is the place I'd truly love to be. But all my exes live in Texas, and that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee." First time my wife saw a Texas cockroach she thought it was a mouse. Then she thought it was fake. Till it moved.
  4. Buster

    So where should we move?

    Hey, I live in the white strip. In fact, that's the name of my town... White Strip, Oklahoma. :lol: And Zilla, I can live with Yankee rudeness. I can live with Texan territoriality. It's the two mixed in one person that I can't abide. Get a bunch of those one persons in one place and it's just...
  5. Buster

    So where should we move?

    Hey, buddy! Sorry about the turkey through the nose thing. :D
  6. Buster

    So where should we move?

    Rednecks, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer. Seriously, though... Too many Yankee transplants who acclimated to the area, which makes for a deadly mix of Texas territorialism and Yankee rudeness. You might like Austin, though. The laws are Texas loose, but the area is socially liberal. You...
  7. Buster

    SALE ALERT - Turkey

    $3.50 a pound. Free range, humanely raised, heritage breed turks. From me. Get 'em while they last, 'cause they're goin' fast.
  8. Buster

    So where should we move?

    I spent my youth in Texas. I hate it. But recommend it as a site that fits the description posted in the original post. Wife, Salatin may complain, but he couldn't have done what he has done with his broilers just about anywhere else. VA has one of the most generous processing allowances in...
  9. Buster

    So where should we move?

    Salatin lives in VA. He complains a lot about the regs, but VA has among the most liberal (not in the political sense) ag regs in the country. Makes me think he would complain about anywhere. And the state you describe in your OP is Oklahoma. Parts of Texas might fit as well.
  10. Buster

    Free national webinar on grass finished beef

    The webinar was a split decision for me. The guy doing the production side was genuinely enthusiastic and knew a lot about grass fed beef. I've decided Dexters are the way to go for us. The guy who did the marketing side was a huge skeptic about the benefits of either grass finished beef or...
  11. Buster

    Free national webinar on grass finished beef

    Starting in just a few minutes.
  12. Buster

    Free national webinar on grass finished beef

    October 20 at 1:00 PM Eastern time. From the site (god I hate the term "niche" for sustainable ag)... =================================================== Grass-finished beef is part of a growing niche market of farm products that can command higher...