Today is also Urban Homesteaders Day of Action where we fight back by using the forbidden phrases. If you have a blog, do a write up on or find a way to otherwise use the terms Urban Homestead or Urban Homesteading.
To be fair, broad breasted varieties raised on pasture taste significantly better than the store bought critters. They don't amount to the great taste of the Bourbon Reds and Narragansets I've raised, but they are still darn good birds.
There are three good arguments in favor of the BBW or BBB...
It appears the Electronic Freedom Foundation has now entered the fray. Here is the "cease and desist" letter sent to the Dervaes:
This "trademark" is not going to last long.
There is now an online petition at that reads as follows:
This is a petition to the Derveas Institute to cancel the Trademarks on "Urban Homestead" and "Urban Homesteading" in good faith from the urban homestead community. Noting that...
These people are getting trounced in the news and blogosphere. And yes, as a matter of fact, they are sending out cease and desist orders and shutting down sites all over the Internet, so they do not deserve our benefit of the doubt. Even Slow Food International is criticizing this conceited...
Looks like a done deal to me. This from the US Patent Office. Note bolded section:
Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server.
Y'all watch the film I posted a link to. I'll tell you if those things aren't structurally sound, then nothing is. You are talking what, two foot walls of earth and rubber. Really really cool.
And in Acres USA this month is a great article on a pastured poultry operation up around Taos. Lots of...
I have one who is 7 weeks. Based on replies from some of you over at BY Herds, I've decided she stays with mama. They will be either sold or kept together.
OFG, Tripod is the best mother of the lot. I had considered getting rid of her early on, but she is just great with her babies. It's her...
When is it too early to sell mama goat?
A friend is coming by to purchase most of my goats, but I want to keep a few of the doe kids. They range between 7 and 11 weeks old.
So, where would you put the cutoff for the keepers? I'm keeping the three legged mama and her triplets, but the other...
Well, not always. About 30 years ago, they started changing the way unemployment is calculated. Used to be the military wasn't included in the numbers. When they added it, the rate miraculously dropped and those in charge took credit for lowering unemployment.
"Propaganda is a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience."