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  1. Buster

    We haven't had any.....

    Big mistake.
  2. Buster

    We haven't had any.....

    Well, you have to admit, that was quite a lively discussion while it lasted. When it completely diverged from the topic of Joel and his farm into gender stuff I felt it had run its course. As to licking wounds, seems to me you are still licking yours, from your brusque treatment on the tour. ;)...
  3. Buster

    We haven't had any.....

    You could always beat up on Salatin some more.
  4. Buster

    Satellite Internet,..Is it worth it??

    I have had HughesNet for over two years now. It's only problem is my daughter, who uses up all my bandwidth allowance in about 2 hours in the morning so the rest of the day it is pretty slow. But, much faster than dialup. But on its best day (like when my daughter isn't here), it is nowhere...
  5. Buster

    Goat people...When is the best time to sell wethers?

    I defer to the pro. I am after all just a goat rookie. :lol: But I regularly debudded and castrated calves when I worked on a dairy as a teen. Was trained by a lifelong dairy farmer. I don't think I will be doing either with my animals, as a matter of personal preference. But then I won't be...
  6. Buster

    Goat people...When is the best time to sell wethers?

    I keep an eye on the El Reno, OK goat auction prices online to determine local price fluctuations. Seem to spike just before ethnic holidays like Cinco de Mayo and Eid ul-Fitr. Perhaps there is an auction near you that reports to the...
  7. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    Perhaps we should let them speak for themselves... "This legislation is by no means perfect. But it promises to achieve several important food safety objectives, greatly benefiting consumers without harming small farmers or local food producers. "The bill would, for the first time, give the...
  8. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    Dang! Well, that leaves me out. :D
  9. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    An article that was heavily partisan. I could as easily copy and paste a bunch of stuff from Huffington Post or Nation magazine or even The Progressive, that wouldn't relieve me of the responsibility for the content of my posts. And the point isn't it was done by both parties so it is okay...
  10. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    Okay, so blatant partisan politics is okay on this board now? At least, I assume so since this post has stood for over a day now. Which is fine by me, as I can argue politics with the best of them. :D Let me know, mods. I can live with it either way. PS: The bill is considered a BIPARTISAN...
  11. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    Actually, after seeing the fit being thrown about the Tester amendment by Big Food, I'm starting to think it might not be such a bad bill. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Originally Big Food supported it no doubt because they saw it as a way to put the squeeze on the burgeoning local...
  12. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    Okay, I was wrong. I misread a confusing NYT piece. Big Food complained, but it didn't stop the amendment... "Protections for small producers that were recently added to the Food Safety Modernization Act have addressed some fears, but critics still question the bill's potential to harm local...
  13. Buster

    Senate Bill 510 passed cloture

    It didn't make it in. Big Food pitched a fit and said it wouldn't be fair. The big hope here is with reconciliation. If they actually try to do that for house and senate versions, there probably won't be time and the clock will run out. But, alas, there is talk the House might just vote on the...
  14. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    I guess my post was confusing. I mean if someone tells you most cattle are finished on grass is feeding you bull.... Which was meant to be sort of a pun. Not a very good one, apparently. :lol: Obviously there are a good many farmers who grass finish (which is how I get mine), but they are by...
  15. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    Hence the term "rare". As in "not always". :)
  16. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    They aren't shipped to market. They are shipped to CAFOs to finish off. It is very rare that beef cattle are marketed straight from grass, unless they are being marketed to CAFOs. Anybody tells you any different is feeding you a load of bull****.
  17. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    There is nothing wrong with grain as long as it is used in moderation, especially for animals that aren't herbivores. The problem with factory farmed beef is not that they are finished on grain, but how. It is a system designed to push animals to grow as big as possible as fast as possible for...
  18. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    One more time, with feeling... Most beef cattle are grass-fed. It is the finishing that differs. Your cattle are going to be grass-finished, rather than grain (mostly corn) finished.
  19. Buster

    Note to self. Never talk to a farmer about grass feeding

    Around here, pretty much all the cattle are grass fed. At least, the ones raised by farmers who actually know what they are doing. They brag about it, in fact. It is the finishing that is different. Most of them finish on grain. But even that is slowly changing. One of the biggest ranches...