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  1. Buster

    Dr Oz exposes what's in factory chicken!

    If you knew who he was, you would know how he could. In addition to Bib's point about exports, I would say that most "food" grown in this country goes into processed crap, including but not limited to items like pop and highly processed foods containing HFCS and other undesirables. The notion...
  2. Buster

    Dr Oz exposes what's in factory chicken!

    And he is right. Small and medium farms using ecologically sound and humane practices can feed the world. In fact, it is the only thing that can, over the long term. It is call sustainable because it can be sustained indefinitely. Factory and chemical ag just plain can't, because they ain't.
  3. Buster

    New 'scovy regs - have you seen? UPDATED with pic

    I hate disagreeing with my bud OFG, but... :lol: It is currently (as of March 1) illegal to own or sell muscovies for anything other than for sale as food. Thanks to the avalanche of input from largely BYCers, the Fish & Wildlife folks decided to take another look. The new proposed changes...
  4. Buster

    great short videos about farming

    Thanks, Bib. Interesting video. Since it is labeled Know Your Farmer Know Your Food, I wonder if it is connected to that USDA program. Here is a Brit film on sustainable farming that I found very interesting... A Farm of the Future 1 A Farm of the Future 2 A Farm of the Future 3 A Farm of the...
  5. Buster

    Needing some encouragement - butchering chickens this weekend

    Awwe, shucks. Thanks, OFG. :) Hey, Freedom Rangers are a nice alternative to the commercial X Bird. They take a little more time to grow out, but so far they are looking good and staying healthy. Takes about 12 weeks compared to the CX 8, but that extra time also equals better taste...
  6. Buster

    Needing some encouragement - butchering chickens this weekend

    There are only a few things you can mess up that matter. 1. Don't cut the entrails when you are gutting them. Work your hand in aroung them and slowly work them away from the walls of the body cavity, then pull them out and carefully cut around the vent to remove the whole lot. Sometimes it is...
  7. Buster


    Heya, OFG. How's it goin'? Or need I axe? :D
  8. Buster


    When allowed, chickens forage for up to 20% of their food. For turkeys, it's closer to 70%. Chickens were domesticated thousands of years ago and have relied on humans for a long long time for their food. Turkeys it's only been a few hundred years, so they are closer to their wild state. So...
  9. Buster

    Genetically Modified Salmon?!?

    I'm not fine with genetically modified animals at all, especially ones that could easily escape. Seiously, they are talking about keeping them in tanks far away from the areas where wild salmon, but factory farms don't exactly have great track records on the environment. The bottom line is all...
  10. Buster

    U.S. Meat Farmers Brace for Limits on Antibiotics

    "Dispensing antibiotics to healthy animals is routine on the large, concentrated farms that now dominate American agriculture. But the practice is increasingly condemned by medical experts who say it contributes to a growing scourge of modern medicine: the emergence of antibiotic-resistant...
  11. Buster

    What are some good books?

    It's one of my favorite books, but for information only. Bit on the dry side, though, and not nearly as interesting/inspiring/entertaining as his The Fat of the Land, which is no longer in print. It can be obtained via interlibrary loan. I'm going to own a copy some day, though.
  12. Buster

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Sure you could. You had it in you all along. :thumbsup I'll bet! He better not mess around! :lol: Funny how a man's sense of what is attractive changes once he gets his priorities straight. I think I understand why that 4 hour drive became 3. ;) Beware the Dwarf with the Axe. Too funny...
  13. Buster

    What are some good books?

    In Defense of Food, written partly as an antidote to Omnivore. People were afraid to eat anything out of fear of harming animals or contributing the growing co-opting of food by big business or eating something bad for them. "Then what CAN I eat???" This one gives the answer. Best point he...
  14. Buster

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Yes, young padawan, the apprentice has indeed surpassed the master. The student is now the teacher. Besides laughing all the way through it (what a wonderfully picturesque description of events), and aside from the fact that I am happily married to a wonderful wife... And since I am ensconced...
  15. Buster

    What are some good books?

    Best books I have read over the last couple of years... Fiction: The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield. The Convalescent, by Jessica Anthony. The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiren Desai. Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Gillead, by Marilynne Robinson. The Sojourner by Marjorie Kinnan...
  16. Buster

    S. 510:FDA Food Safety Modernization Act

    "Most sustainable agriculture and family farm groups think the Senate bill is a very significant improvement over the companion bill passed by the House of Representatives (HR 2749) last year. Weve been able to help make substantial improvements in the Senate bill through the HELP markup and in...
  17. Buster

    Egg recall - there's gold in them thar hen houses!

    Really? Everything I am reading says that this particular disease has only been around since the 80s. Yet another disease gifted to us by industrial agriculture.
  18. Buster

    Egg recall - there's gold in them thar hen houses!

    I read one report where they are going out of their way to say no egg producing system is safer than another. It's the centralized food production system that is so screwed up and dangerous, morons.
  19. Buster

    When there's no SS website or library to go to....

    Oh. You were looking for how-to books. I thought you were talking about books we couldn't live without if the SHTF. :)