Jumping in here--600 for two DOELINGS? isn't that an awful lot? I know prices vary by region but here (southern Oregon) does in milk might make that much, usually in the two hundreds. Personally, I'd invest in the rabbits and wait for a better deal on the goats. You already know the rabbits and...
My first thought is to let her brood the chicks and see how she does. But then I'm thinking, a big part of momma's job is showing babies what to eat. How will she show them? Is she still finding food, does she call the babies if you put treats/grass in there?
Personally I don't as a rule keep...
Yeah, depending on how many you are feeding and how much you can give away, only plant like 4-6 plants.
Little ones, slice and sautee with onion, shrooms, shrimp.
Use instead of cukes in bread and butter pickles.
Shred, blanche and freeze in 2 cup portions for making zucchini bread in Feb...
Well, being on an Atkins-inspired eating plan, every am I cook bacon, pour off some grease cook my eggs, set the skillet aside. Repeat the next am. If I don't get all the egg out I wipe it out the next am with a paper towel, otherwise that's it. Once a week or so I use that pan for something...
Currently, I have horses to turn perfectly good hay into manure.
And to drag my butt outside at least twice a day.
But they smell sooooo good............
My current horse I've had for fifteen years and I've kept her for two reasons: sentimental and cause I knew if I sold her I'd never again...
Yeah, I've been wondering how the geese work weeding the garden. I'm growing a typical summer garden here--tomatos, squashes, peppers, beans, cukes. I also have raspberries and will be moving my asparagus out there. So, can I use geese to weed? Won't they eat my seedlings, or how long do I have...
That sure made me giggle!
This whole thread's made me realize I have no idea what my weeds are. I mean, there are the ones with yellow flowers the horses won't eat, the ones with tall thick stalks with large seed heads, the low growing spidery ones...........you get the picture!
So, sit down tonight and plan out next weeks meals. I'm a big fan of menu planning, it's taken so much stress off me. This first time will be tough, tougher than it sounds. Plan for all seven days next week. Pick what days are your busiest and plan your fall back casserole or something else you...
I'm sorry you're getting those feelings, that staying home is a bad thing. I think those folks don't know what's really involved in staying home and doing it right! It's a job just like any other, if you treat it as one. Yes, there are those who sit on their butts and just don't motivate...
I know it's really the wrong time of year, but my asparagus bed is in the way of where our new house is going to be. So, bed's gotta move in the next month, max. It's 20 feet long, 2 feet deep. I think the plants are 3 or 4 years old, and this spring I added some more first years to fill in some...
Wow, how many nurses are on here? Cool.
When I worked long term care this was a constant battle. Miconazole (like monistat, but just get the generic) twice daily for at least two weeks. I'd second a lot of what you've got, limit the sugar and starch, eat yogurt or other cultured foods and you...
I can't recommend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace enough. It will be hard to shell out the money for the class, (100$ last I knew), but a lot of places will pay half as a scholarship. It really helps you prioritize needs vs wants and helps you develop a budget you and your honey can both live...
Send some to me!!!
I'd mulch everything in sight and keep a nice pile for mulching the summer garden. Big fan of mulch here. Deep litter in all critter pens. We use wood chips as mud control in high traffic areas, or they could be weed control on pathways, etc in the garden. I know the...
I'm in Grants Pass and can grow just about whatever I want. I grew up around Modesto, so I see where you're coming from. The season here is shorter--to be safe from last frost the rule of thumb is plant on Memorial Day weekend. I've pushed that up to early May once or twice, depending on the...