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  1. D

    Anyone know anything about Juice Plus????

    Personally, I'd cut out all wheat and see how that does. Wheat's know for causing inflammation. Couldn't hurt to try it, and it's a lot cheaper.
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    Help? Goat milk yogurt....runny, a bit stringy :(

    Home made yogurt is much thinner than the store bought stuff. I've not run into the stringiness, so can't help you there. Does it smell and taste all right? I strain my yogurt for several hours to get the consistency I like, that also gives me the yellow whey for whatever I decide to use it for...
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    Top Secret Garden plot

    This was my thought, too! Working in home care in southern oregon, I'm always afraid I'm going to see something I shouldn't, esp in some if the areas I go. Let's just say I'm very focused bouncing down some dirt roads lol I don't have anyone here to hide things from. But I do understand the...
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    Ducklings & Goslings questions (see final post for update)

    I've not raised geese but I've done some ducks and sounds like you were spot on. Let us know what Ideal says, I've always heard they have great customer service.
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    Rooster value

    Ask them what they want to give for one! Or suggest bartering. What to they have to trade? Folks give roosters away around here. If someone's wanting one, I'd ask ten dollars or so.
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    Frogs croaking. Honey and I have long referred to that as our mating call lol. Crocus, daffodils. Baby chicks. Unfortunately, in our area spring is heralded not by green, but by mud. Mud everywhere. I hate mud.
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    Working for salary vs hourly?

    Well, I rocked it pretty good the first two weeks, I kept my hours pretty tight and made extra with the bonus productivity points. But then, I got suspended for a day (another story about My Job, My Hell) and it made me realize according to the rules Admin set, I could in no way earn any extra...
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    Oyster shell to prevent blossom end rot?

    Well, the hens like to eat the eggshells better than the oyster shell, so I'll save the eggshells for the hens and try the oyster shell for the maters. Thanks all.
  9. D

    Oyster shell to prevent blossom end rot?

    So, I'm dreaming of gardening while it pours rain outside, and started wondering about blossom end rot. It's not been a huge problem for me, but it does happen now and then. I've read about putting eggshells or powdered milk in the hole when you place your seedling, has anyone tried oyster...
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    2 liter plastic bottles, a lot of

    Oh, I remember whacking the jugs with a hammer! That was so much fun. Thanks for the reminder.
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    2 liter plastic bottles, a lot of

    If you don't already have an emergency water supply, those are great. They don't leak like milk type jugs do, and you can lay them on their sides and stack them to store them. We also recycle them, $0.05 each also.
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    Need Help with Road Trip/NYC Trip foods

    Don't make your sandwiches up in advance. Pack a loaf or two of bread, a small jar of pb and a small jar of jam. Then you can just make up pbjs each morning, or they'll be available for a late night snack. Hardboiled eggs could be packed in a cooler for the trip and kept in the fridge while...
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    raising rabbits or rats for dogs

    That's a very interesing idea. One would have to get past the BLECH factor, but I don't see why not. That's what Jack Russell and all those other rat terrier dogs were bred for, after all. We're currently looking into raising rats to feed our snake, only one pet store in town and they're always...
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    Working for salary vs hourly?

    Thanks all. I'm still trying to figure out how this is going to work. It's been made VERY clear to us that we have to put in the full forty hours, even if we meet our points before that. So, I'm really not seeing the benefit. Well, I was looking for a job when I found this one.......... Thanks...
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    Working for salary vs hourly?

    I've always worked hourly. Seems the folks I've seen working for salary get boned a lot, they have to work over and don't get compensated, etc. I've not really seen the good side to it. So, my current employer made all the RNs salary, starting Sunday. We are a home health agency (visiting...
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    Firewood ?'s

    We use a mix of Douglas fir, pine and madrone. Some black locust mixed in there, and we have huge oak rounds out in the pasture we need to tackle this coming summer. For kindling dh splits up pallets and then just uses the hatchet to split them down smaller. We've got a huge kindling pile...
  17. D

    how much for your farm eggs?

    I plan to charge $3 a dozen in a month or so. At $2, I'm not even breaking even with feed, seems like. I'm in southern Oregon. Re: puny mutant eggs----when I see store eggs now, my thoughts are "Nazi eggs". Seriously, don't they look like the Master Race of eggs? *shudder*
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    What was breakfast this morning??

    I've heard the big chains often add pancake batter to the omelete, to help them brown better. Yuck! Bacon and eggs, here.
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    Keeping the Water Trough Warm

    We just send the boys out with a 2x4 to break the ice. No electricity required, all boy powered.
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    2 winter chicken coop / shlters: one earth berm and one portable

    I'm kinda with Bee on this one. My chickens like to roost, not den. I guess it could be shelter from a hawk, but that's about it. When my birds free ranged I never saw them under our cars. Pooping on the porch, yes. Hence the reason they no longer free range. I also see problems with the...