I always plant by the signs now. I didn't one year and my garden failed miserably,..won't do that again. I'm in no way superstitious, but I do believe the moon has a way of making those seeds and new transplants really thrive. ;) IMO that is.
Well it has been awhile,..I believe I popped in last Dec. and then my computer bit the dust. It had been almost a year or so before that. Thanks for the welcome Deb!
Well that is a shame. I rather enjoyed to hear about everyone's daily self sufficient lives. Always a good place to get advice from too. Maybe the administrators that be should put more effort into advertising this forum. Being a prepper and being self sufficient is the new big thing. :thumbsup
We also painted the kitchen floor in our old trailer,..we used some paint we bought at walmart,..it was a porch and floor paint,..man that was some good stuff!!! it was low odor and was water based it was pretty durable too. :)
Hey Bee!
Back when I lived in my retro 70's mobile home,..which I loved,..I painted my kitchen cabinets, but I used a good oil based paint. It was very durable,..cleaned up nice, took a scrubbing too. That paint on those cabinets lasted me 12 years. The day they tore down the old trailer them...
I always use it to mix with our dogs food,..but we have three very large outdoor dogs,..since you have no dogs to give it to maybe you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who could use it to feed to their dogs? Or pigs,..they like it to. :)
This has always been a thing for me,..I never could understand why people need so much space . For "stuff" I assume,....my DH and I built our own home and it is about 800 sq. ft. give or take. Its nice and its cozy, and it holds all we need and our two children and their stuff. We have always...
Hi Lori! haven't stopped by for awhile but I peaked in to see how things were and I just had to say something. I know how you feel,..two kids and everything in your lap, while DH has time for himself,..but you never seem to get anytime. You have described my life to a tee. It is hard and very...
I don't know what part of Tennessee you are in, but I seen it was pretty bad down that way last night. I really hope you and your family is fine :fl ,..and will be praying for everyone. :hugs Hopefully your power is just out.
I am very happy where I am and have no intentions on leaving. I love it here in the mountains. The living is simple,fairly cheap, and the taxes are low. The weather isn't bad,..no major issues like tornadoes, earthquakes or hurricanes,..just maybe a little flooding occasionally or a few feet of...
I think an incubator is more convenient and at times, more reliable. For me, I have had good hatches in the incubator most of the time, depending on the eggs. My broody hens,..not so much. I have one gal that goes broody very often and she has always been a good momma,..but this year she just...
All I use is self-rising flour and whole wheat,..if it were me I would throw it in the freezer to use later or make up a pile of whole wheat pancakes,..(mix the self-rising with the whole wheat flour) and store them in the freezer for a quick breakfast,..or make waffles. I have the same problem...
This is how I see it also. Nothing new here either. I am shocked to see others pick up stuff we have been doing for years and act like it is something new and special. :rolleyes: I do believe it is a fad,..being green and this "farm fresh" stuff. Everthing you see advertised now is connected to...