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  1. Up-the-Creek

    What can you tell me about these chicken breeds?

    Since you have EE's and RIR hens, I would go with a good "meaty" rooster to add "substance" to your flock. The white rock would be great for that. Rocks are all around good chickens,... :thumbsup
  2. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    I have heard many folks like Delawares for meat,..I haven't tried them yet, but I have an order of 15 coming, plus 15 RIR's,..straight runs. The extra roos will be going to freezer camp.
  3. Up-the-Creek


    I'm with Abi on this,....baking soda, well and is cheap. :)
  4. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    Oh, such a pretty cat! I have two girls (sisters) that are marked like your cat,..what color is it??? Tortise shell? So glad to see you are going with the Partridge Rocks, won't be sorry! :clap
  5. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    Pickin chicken breeds is a hard endeavor isn't it??? I too like big,fat, broody, egg-laying machines. There is sooooo many to choose from. As I told you last night, the Partridge Rocks are my favorite (so far),...but I did decide to go with RIR and the DEL's this time. In our little remote part...
  6. Up-the-Creek

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    OFG, I am sorry to hear about your loss of a dear friend. I too am suffering from a loss of a long time dear friend. My Tommy passed a few weeks back after having him in my home for over 12 years. He was a special cat and I loved him and miss him very much. It takes a while,..then it gets a...
  7. Up-the-Creek


    :thumbsup How do you get a pint to last a week????? :lol:
  8. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    This isn't the best picture, but at the moment all I have. This is one of the hens and that is my good looking son packing her around,..:D See how pretty their feathers are?? Very friendly girls too. They lay nice size brown eggs and do good free rangeing. (Can't see the feathers real well...
  9. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    The Partridge Rocks are very nice. They have the prettiest colors. We started out with about 15 or so, I am now down to 2. :( Decided I wanted different breeds, should have kept the rocks. :rolleyes: It is a learning lesson though. :)
  10. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    My mom has some Aussies. She got them from that lady in VA and like I said I have no idea what hatchery they came from, but they aren't as good layers as we expected. They are very pretty though,.(.she has 3 hens,..I named them see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil :lol: ) and they "talk" all...
  11. Up-the-Creek

    BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans

    I have Partridge Rocks from Murray McMurray, they were very good layers and the hens did go broody,..but the roosters were MEAN. Today I ordered Delawares and Rhode Island Reds from Meyers,..they will be here in Feb. I have been told they have nice chicks. I guess we will see. :D I also have...
  12. Up-the-Creek

    History of the Pressure Canner

    I seen this tonight while I was surfing around. I thought it would be nice for some who are a little afraid of the pressure canners to read this. It is very interesting. ;)