Since you have EE's and RIR hens, I would go with a good "meaty" rooster to add "substance" to your flock. The white rock would be great for that. Rocks are all around good chickens,... :thumbsup
I have heard many folks like Delawares for meat,..I haven't tried them yet, but I have an order of 15 coming, plus 15 RIR's,..straight runs. The extra roos will be going to freezer camp.
Oh, such a pretty cat! I have two girls (sisters) that are marked like your cat,..what color is it??? Tortise shell? So glad to see you are going with the Partridge Rocks, won't be sorry! :clap
Pickin chicken breeds is a hard endeavor isn't it??? I too like big,fat, broody, egg-laying machines. There is sooooo many to choose from. As I told you last night, the Partridge Rocks are my favorite (so far),...but I did decide to go with RIR and the DEL's this time. In our little remote part...
OFG, I am sorry to hear about your loss of a dear friend. I too am suffering from a loss of a long time dear friend. My Tommy passed a few weeks back after having him in my home for over 12 years. He was a special cat and I loved him and miss him very much. It takes a while,..then it gets a...
This isn't the best picture, but at the moment all I have. This is one of the hens and that is my good looking son packing her around,..:D See how pretty their feathers are?? Very friendly girls too. They lay nice size brown eggs and do good free rangeing. (Can't see the feathers real well...
The Partridge Rocks are very nice. They have the prettiest colors. We started out with about 15 or so, I am now down to 2. :( Decided I wanted different breeds, should have kept the rocks. :rolleyes: It is a learning lesson though. :)
My mom has some Aussies. She got them from that lady in VA and like I said I have no idea what hatchery they came from, but they aren't as good layers as we expected. They are very pretty though,.(.she has 3 hens,..I named them see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil :lol: ) and they "talk" all...
I have Partridge Rocks from Murray McMurray, they were very good layers and the hens did go broody,..but the roosters were MEAN. Today I ordered Delawares and Rhode Island Reds from Meyers,..they will be here in Feb. I have been told they have nice chicks. I guess we will see. :D I also have...
I seen this tonight while I was surfing around. I thought it would be nice for some who are a little afraid of the pressure canners to read this. It is very interesting. ;)