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  1. Up-the-Creek

    Morel Mushrooms Anyone??

    They are finding them here,..but they are still small. I cannot wait to get some!
  2. Up-the-Creek

    Reading The Signs, Awareness Around You..

    I am not sure what some constitute as a sign,...being here in a very small rural community that seems to be 20 years behind everyone else anyway,..I have noticed that most people are beginning to live more frugally,...getting back to the old ways so to speak. Not so many new cars on the road...
  3. Up-the-Creek

    Plain Dress

  4. Up-the-Creek

    Plain Dress

    "The older I get the more naked I want to be,....." that needs printed on a t-shirt. :lau
  5. Up-the-Creek

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Krispy Kreme! :drool It comes with Homer Simpson syndrome,.."DOUGHNUT!" :gig Also,.. I want to add the only reason why we go to Wallie World is cheap ammo and some basic pantry items too. No Sam's Club to speak of close enough to bother . We Mom n' Pop shop as much as possible. ;) Oh and...
  6. Up-the-Creek

    What do you all think?

    My mother and I had that conversation about "no amount of money,.." yesterday. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and thankfully it was caught early and taken care of,..but she is getting some bills now and she was complaining about them. I told her,..its just money,..thank goodness...
  7. Up-the-Creek

    Plain Dress

    I am a t-shirt,jeans, and boots kind of gal. Always have been,...its just what I am comfortable in. :D
  8. Up-the-Creek

    What do you all think?

    Better be careful,...pneumonia tends to sneak up on you. I had my son to the doctor today because of some mild chest congestion from a cold that has been lingering for awhile,....he has pneumonia.
  9. Up-the-Creek

    What to fill plastic egg with to fool hens into broodiness?

    I have a dozen of wooden eggs that I use,..but it usually just takes 6 to get my gals a going. I have one broody right now sitting on 6 eggs,...she started out on 6 wooden eggs, switched her to 10 real eggs,...she then decided she only wanted 6, so she rolled the other 4 real eggs out of the...
  10. Up-the-Creek

    Question about making Maple Syrup

    My mom and I just got done boiling our sap down yesterday. We had over 12 gallon to boil down and we used a wood cookstove till we got it down so far,..then we put it on the electric stove. It took all of two days to get it all boiled down using the wood heat,..and wouldn't you know it had to be...
  11. Up-the-Creek

    Our Simple Life on Rose Mountain

    That bread looks great! I love making homemade bread,..and eating it,.:hide I love how you guys are going totally off grid. I wish I could do that here, but right now with the kids I am out voted. I had this discussion with someone the other day about going without electricity. My point was...
  12. Up-the-Creek

    Husband doesn't want to homeschool?

    Another thought to it IS the social aspect, send your well mannered child to school and in the evenings you get back a little monster that has been exposed to every bad behaviour that can be imagined from the kids that their parents could give a holy crap about. That is another issue that...
  13. Up-the-Creek

    tiger lilly started bulbs

    Tiger lillies are so pretty. They have always been one of my favorite flowers,..also my great-grandmothers favorite :-),.... I have them everywhere planted in bunches. Here I believe many people call them "ditch lillies" because they grow along the roadsides everywhere.
  14. Up-the-Creek

    Husband doesn't want to homeschool?

    Okay,..I seen this and I might as well chime in with my experience. My son done well in public school up until his 3rd grade year. He was floundering,..bored so to speak and being me,...I didn't like the effects it was having on him. So I decided to pull him out for his 4th grade year and...
  15. Up-the-Creek

    Our Simple Life on Rose Mountain

    Wow! That is SO nice! I love everything about your little cabin,..I especially love the white cabinet in the background. Does it have the flour bin in it?? I hope to find me one like that this summer to put in our little house. You guys have done a wonderful job on everything and I will really...
  16. Up-the-Creek

    All my seeds are ruined :(

    So sorry! Men can be,...well nevermind :duc ,....I ordered my heirloom seeds from a small company called Heirloom Seeds, . I have had 100% germination rate and the plants are very healthy looking. Ok, I am impressed and this is the first time I have planted no...
  17. Up-the-Creek

    Baby Chicks

    I just checked my Murray McMurray order and the shipping was only $13.91 for 25 chicks. I checked around and they were the cheapest on shipping to my area.,.Im in southern WV. :thumbsup to the Delawares!
  18. Up-the-Creek

    Preparing wood cook stove UPDATED with pic!

    Is it not cast??? What brand is it and how old is it??No,.. if you have a surface that you are going to put food on to cook directly,..then no stove black,...but lard will work.
  19. Up-the-Creek

    Preparing wood cook stove UPDATED with pic!

    Curing the stovetop? No, can go to your local hardware and get something they call "Stove Black" or "Stove Polish",..this will fix it right up. Sand off any surface rust and use as per directions. If it is "bumpy" or has pits,...that is just its age. We just purchased an old wood cookstove...
  20. Up-the-Creek

    Baby Chicks

    I would do a hatchery order,.. & get what you want. You can go to the feed stores,..but mostly they are going to be production breeds. Plus the cost of shipping still comes out the same,..about $3 a chick. If I were closer to you,..I would set you up. I have 12 EE's in a brooder, 20 some mixed...