Yes, I agree, our bodies are a temple for Christ to dwell within, but I was speaking of the physical building called a temple :) But I Think you knew that. lol
I don't believe I'm going to hell, either, I was just joking about the bacon. and you're right, you don't know what you're missing if...
But the Bible tells us that the temple, once destroyed, will never be rebuilt.
And animal sacrifice was another thing that was done away with by the death of Christ. He was the Sacrificial Lamb, all come to the Father through the Son, who died for us, so why would they need to go back to animal...
I shouldn't have worded it as "even Gentiles could be forgiven and enter Heaven". Gentiles were considered the people of the "world" and God's People weren't "supposed" to associate with them. Christ came and changed all that, and even talked to and brought the word to the Gentiles as well as...
I don't believe it conflicts, because when Peter was told to eat of it, it was after they crucified Christ. Christ's death changed the law, because his Ultimate sacrifice set us free from sin (being unclean).
Also, the Old Testament law pertained to the Jews, not the Gentiles. Not that the...
As best as I can answer this is, read the Book of Acts, chapter 10, where Peter was on the roof and became hungry. All manner of animal was brought to him and the Lord told him to get up, kill, and eat. When Peter said he'd never eaten an unclean animal, God replied with do not call that which...
Ok, not really any words from the barnyard today, but I've got a full day.
Canning tomato sauce.
Organizing more photos.
DD has cross country training today. sigh. and it's picture day. Triple sigh.
I also need to work on goat fencing (oh yea, for those who don't know...I have a milk...
Nice pantry.
We don't have ours done yet, either, and it's been about a year. Maybe almost 2 now. We have the 10x10 hole dug out, and that's about it so far.
I've been researching local churches today, and I found one that we are going to visit so we can "try them on for size". One of the things that appealled to me right away is the Pastor and his wife have a large family!!
I'm so excited and can't wait for Sunday!!
Thank you for the welcome backs!
Well, today was Monday....I wonder how many of you remember what Monday's mean for us around here? :lol:
If you guessed Auction Day - well, you'd be right!!
Except we don't buy anymore. I bake pies, cookies, and I make fry pies and sell them every Monday. I...