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  1. Quail_Antwerp

    Backyard Chicken Butchering Workshop in WV/OH area

    SO sorry I missed this!!!!
  2. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    That's a good title! The Aly Chronicles! For starters, how about a pic of the Finished Bantam Duplex (except I never did get the doors painted and we still need to attach runs...) We also have a second hive now, since my original hive swarmed 3 times this spring! (We gave one swarm to a...
  3. Quail_Antwerp

    What have you STOPPED doing and not missed a bit!

    I gave up making my own laundry soap. I know I know, there's great savings in making you own - but in all honesty, I like just picking up a jug of whatever and dumping whatever amount needed into the washer. And no use of a cheese grater or raw knuckles involved.
  4. Quail_Antwerp

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    I've been away for awhile, and I don't know who's been changing the POW. I don't want to step on any toes by just going back to changing the POW each week, so I messaged Nifty and I'm waiting to hear back from him. Several people had pm'ed me while I was gone (my inbox was full when I logged...
  5. Quail_Antwerp

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    I just made room in the inbox. I've got lots to tell, share, etc.
  6. Quail_Antwerp

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Hi, Bee! I have missed our chats!! :hugs Congrats on your new Daughter!!
  7. Quail_Antwerp

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Missed you, too!!! :hugs and without giving too much details, would you please keep me in your prayers?
  8. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    So I've been gone half of forever, but guess what?! I'm back!! That's all I got for now, but I think you'll be seeing more of me!!
  9. Quail_Antwerp

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    hey, WBF, I've been gone sooo long, I'm not even going to try to catch up on your journal, but just wanted to say I'm back!
  10. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    :hugs I am so sorry. I have had to help a chick or two out due to humidity being too low and sometimes I lost them, sometimes they did Ok. I hope the little buff one survives so your first hatchling will have a friend.
  11. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    Ok, whew! I was worried that those babies might cook! :) Glad you're on it! :thumbsup
  12. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    Is that your TEMP at 104?! you better turn that down!!
  13. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    you're welcome, BB. I'm on day 2. I hope the next 19 go fast!
  14. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    Barred, sometimes it can take a few chicks 23 days before they hatch. Late bloomers are common. Don't count out the eggs without visable pips yet. Once you think the hatching is all done and you remove the chicks, you can do a quick candling of the eggs to check for movement.
  15. Quail_Antwerp

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    I just picked up 3 more Sumatra pullets for my breeding flock of Sumatras today :D
  16. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    they can pip and stay pipped for hours!! I have had some pip, and not hatch out for 24 hours or more. Just give them some time, and don't open that 'bator too much! :)
  17. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    Congratulations!! if you don't mind a suggestion, I wouldn't open the 'bator too much to take out hatchlings. They will be fine in the incubator after hatch for 24 hours, and it won't hurt the ones pipping if their hatchmates knock into them. ;) This will help your humidity and temp stay...
  18. Quail_Antwerp

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    All I gotta say is........ HOW DID I MISS THIS THREAD?! I am a total hatcaholic! I just turned my incubator on yesterday. I'm using a LG forced air incubator. I set 16 Bantam Welsummer eggs, 1 Mille Fleur Cochin egg, and 9 Bantam Barred Buff Cochin eggs. I have 2 boxes of eggs at the...
  19. Quail_Antwerp

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Wannabe, I can't remember if you have chickens or not, but everytime someone gets cranky I'd FORCE them to go out and hug a fluffy butt. Or a goat. ;)
  20. Quail_Antwerp

    New forum platform

    Frankly, the new BYC platform doesn't bother me too much. :lol: Probably because I'm still able to do the most important thing over there that I need to do.................. hatching eggs :hide I'm so glad E doesn't check my paypal account...