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  1. Quail_Antwerp

    New Forum Sections - Toolshed, Gardening, Lifestock

    Well, to be honest, Nifty, even though I'm a member at BYC and another sister site, I almost never go to either of them. All of my full blown chicken addiction conversations have been posted and appreciated here. At BYC, the only threads I participated in for the most part were egg chains and...
  2. Quail_Antwerp

    Greener Pastures...

    I'm still here but trying to be careful with what I share and how and where and when. :)
  3. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    ~gd, we actually went out internet in the home for almost an entire year last year - almost my entire pregnancy even. I would pop in from the library about 1 time a month, and I was OK with that. Not too long ago my laptop battery died. Needed a new one. I didn't want to pay the price to...
  4. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    It's hard to believe we've had plumbed water for over a year now! I do NOT miss saving dirty dishwater to flush the toilet! Yes, new washer and dryer, because the dryer is not drying clothes like it should and honestly, I would hang clothes out but don't want to mess with hanging up a line...
  5. Quail_Antwerp

    JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?

    It's raining here today, too. We just had a propane tank brought in on Saturday with a fill up as a back up heating source to our woodburner. We're keeping the thermostat at 60 and it's not been cold enough for it to kick on at night yet. Still burning wood during the day as our main heat...
  6. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    thanks, lori and kstaven! things are going pretty well. Thanks for the t-day wishes, too, FC. I firmly believe that the oh so smart person who came up with the idea of Nintendo DS and ran with it should be forced to adopt 6 children, and give them 2 DS's to share between them. THEN he should...
  7. Quail_Antwerp

    Come on Sufficient Self, lets push for an Animal and Garden section!

    couple reasons - for me the main being too many different forums to keep up with (and I am already a member there) and 2, not always is the way we choose to do things openly welcomed there. Some SS'ers have what people on BYH might consider unconventional ways to care for their animals (i.e...
  8. Quail_Antwerp

    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    wascally wabbits! dat's a lot o' wabbits!
  9. Quail_Antwerp

    Come on Sufficient Self, lets push for an Animal and Garden section!

    I don't think Elevan has the powers to just give us "free rein" as it isn't her site, but I do like the idea of new areas being added for animals/gardening. I think it would be nice to find all the beekeeping conversations in one area, too.
  10. Quail_Antwerp

    Sufficient Self Forum - Let's have a heart-to-heart

    2dream, if this was facebook I'd click the "like" button.
  11. Quail_Antwerp

    Sufficient Self Forum - Let's have a heart-to-heart

    I know, WBF, and I had no clue what Duckweed was until Wifezilla posted about it, and hydroponics (is that the right word?) or how much ducks loved peas! Wife brought a lot of duck knowledge to the boards. And Abi is a great example of someone living as SS as possible while living in an...
  12. Quail_Antwerp

    Sufficient Self Forum - Let's have a heart-to-heart

    In regards to that picture, I would like to politely point out that I previously used, without any issues, photos of members (myself included) of deer taken during deer season as the POW and a calf that was butchered out by another member here. No issues were raised over either of those photos...
  13. Quail_Antwerp

    It's that time of year...what are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for everything. There's no other real good way to say it! :D
  14. Quail_Antwerp

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    My life has been so crazy this last week, I've barely had time to sit down and eat, let alone spend much time online. Started a week ago today, by going to Auction and selling our heifer, Blessing. She weighed 935#'s!! She brought a price we were VERY happy with, so the next day we were excited...
  15. Quail_Antwerp

    JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?

    whoot!! so excited for you!!!!! Hope you get to bring them home!!
  16. Quail_Antwerp

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    YES!!! After years of struggling and having little, E and I have had our Job ending - as God had restored everything to Job that Satan had taken away, thus he has done to us! Tenfold! But we are not stingy or greedy, and we are paying forward the blessings. The car the neighbor lady gave to...
  17. Quail_Antwerp

    keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting

    hey, my friend! long time no talk with! but, seems we've both been busy. :)
  18. Quail_Antwerp

    JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?

    Glad you are feeling better! Hope to catch up with you soon!
  19. Quail_Antwerp

    Where did everyone go?

    We've been so busy this past week, I've had NO TIME to be here! Literally, this whole week we've been getting up early and our feet hit the ground running! Tomorrow we have church, and then portraits, and maybe dinner at Church in the evening, but haven't decided yet. I think Monday is the...
  20. Quail_Antwerp

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    hey everyone I'm sorry to hold ya'll up on changing the pic of the week, but I've had computer issues and haven't been able to get online all week! until today. I'll work to get the pic changed today or by this evening for sure. I've had a busy week and have a busy day ahead of me, so please...