"that sweet baby" has been crankier than a hornet all day! :lol: 15 minute cat naps off and on, followed by "change me" cries followed by "I need to eat" cries. Yes, I sniffed her for you! :)
Morning folks.
Haven't had much to post here.
Having some inner struggles with Halloween. It is not a holiday I personally feel should be celebrated as a Christian, but my kids really want to do the whole costumes and trick or treating thing. Last night my DD was nagging me about making a...
Intersting, BB! I was taught that you should only partake of communion if you've accepted Christ as savior, and then baptized in water.
Then when I read the Gospels for myself, I couldn't find where it says that in the Bible. I can only find where at the last supper, they drank the wine and...
I want to thank all of you for allowing me to participate in your thread, but I am going to respectively bow out now.
I walked away for a reason, and I do not want to be tempted into going back (no offense is meant by this statement).
I would like to say, though, before I step away, that our...
Ok, well I can't explain it for everyone else, but when I was dabbling, my runes got their power from me - I was the force behind them, if that makes sense. I never let anyone else touch them, for fear their aura (or vibe) might taint them and if someone touched them, I'd cleanse them by burning...
*takes deep breath*
I would like to share, but do not want anyone to feel offended, or think I'm being rude, so I just want to say this really is just sharing, and please understand I made my choice to be Christian for a reason...
Wannabefree, I cannot answer about the Tarot cards, or...
Yes, FC, I agree with you on that. But, I am not referring to an individual handling an issue if it should arise, but what I mean Christians in general have a "I don't want to get involved" kind of attitude, so we ignore it. I've seen it within 2 congregations. I've had one pastor tell me in...
Kind of switching gears on ya'll, but I wanted to know how you all feel about accountability within the church?
It's been a passion of mine for awhile - I believe if we're part of a body of worship (since we're the church, not the building) and either we are guilty of or we see someone in the...
My mom woul love to have 200 acres and be totally off the grid, too. I'm not that ambitious! :lol:
I'm Ok with what we have, but for awhile there was in a real funk where I wanted to down size to just 1-3 acres and have the pretty neat and trim yard, without the added accessory of goose poo...
LOL yep, we didn't buy beef for 2 years - but it was just the two sometimes three of us eating it. No kids yet. LOL I'm sure one heifer/steer would only feed my family for a year at a time now!