I tried this method.... I found a "health/vitamin" store that happened to have vinegar that was unpasturized and unfiltered. AND I was gifted some Eden's organic brand. To no avail. There isn't a mother starting in either jar. It's been months.
I'm in South Central Michigan, and I do different greens...mustard, kale, spinach....I will fill up any vacant areas with leftover long-day onion sets. They won't bulb, but I can still harvest them young all winter. My shallots are in, and garlic will get planted in a couple months. I am trying...
From my limited reading thus far, I guess vinegar (acetic acid) for edible use is best around 5-6%. Also safe for preseving with at that percentage. There is a product on the boutique gardening market called "Weed Pharm" that is a 20% acetic acid solution, used as an organic herbicide. But at...
I know exactly what you mean about saving and having to scrounge every penny to cash in when something unexpected happens! Both our cars blew their engines, one car is only 5 years old. And that was just the beginning of a series of unexpected events. We save all the metal cans that food comes...
I agree that cooking from scratch is Uber time consuming. But it really does save a ton of money if you want to eat better foods. Preparing and eating smaller portions and not using as much meat will cut cost and be healthier also. Buy the scrap cuts....shank bones, hocks, marrow bones, turkey...
Thanks!! That really puts it into perspective. I had a few extra minutes before work today, and I decided to look for the vinegar you mentioned at the nicer grocery store in town.... They had some small bottles for a just a few dollars, so I picked one up. I am excited to get it going. I have...
Oh my I would be grumpy if my other half did that!!
What did you keep yours in? I imagine it's quite odiferous? Did it stink up the room you grew it in?
I am interested in starting to make vinegar to have on hand. I do a lot of cleaning and whatnot with it, and I want to be prepared for next years cucumber crop since this year is costing me an arm & leg buying vinegar. I was hoping that someone might have one to share or trade for?? I...
Thanks everyone. I don't have a health food stoor in my town, and the nearest towns that might have one are nearly 40 miles away. That's a pretty long drive on my scooter. I was/AM looking for someone that would be willing to trade or share one. The point for me is trading being less expensive...
It is my understanding, that if organic vinegar is not pasturized/distilled, it could be used as a culture....not that my understanding should be relied upon, but that is the extent of my reading thus far. Otherwise, organic can still be pasteurized and not be of use as a starter, because the...
Whenever I need fiberfill, I go to the thrift store and squeeze old pillows...after a sniff-test to ensure non stinkiness, I choose my winners. It can be MUCH cheaper than new fiberfill. Depends on what your local thrift stores are selling throw pillows for.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has an extra vinegar mother they would be willing to trade....or perhaps gift if I pay for shipping? I have a store on ETSY of items that I would be willing to consider for trade. My store name is the same as my screen name here. Thanks!
Did you ever get your quinoa? I trade for pounds of food grade quinoa from a certified OG farmer locally.... If you're still looking, I could do a germination test and perhaps we could trade.
There's a landscaping company on Mackinac Island in Michigan that takes lessons about moving objects straight out of Davinci's Notebooks. The landscaper is challenged to move impossibly large boulders, COMPLETELY without power equipment, onto fussy-rich-home owner lawns.... The island doesn't...
There are some simply amazing things that are done with pallets. I've been saving some lovely, heavy, oak board pallets for some future project....likely furniture. I saw a guy that built a micro house out of them, vertical gardens, stadium-style seating with posh cushions in a swank home...
Have you ever looked into menstrual cups? They are very hygienic and last for up to 10 years at a time. No need to spend time, money and resources on lots of washing. No disposables. I just got one, and I love it! It's comfortable and I can go all day without worrying about accidents!
I save EVERY cut nail that I pull from something around my house. They straighten out and hold just fine...AND...they are period/original to the home!
Every time I consider just "junking" random fasteners, I remember that every gram of steel or brass adds up and can be sold to the scrap yard...
I just had to share this, I was so excited by how I made out on my last bartering mission! There is an organic grain farmer that I have gotten to know well and buy my flour and dry goods from when I can. Well, she wanted some hemming, mending and flower gardens mulched and said she would pay me...