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  1. P

    the pleasures of cold weather dishwashing

    It's very social when we all do the dishes together. It's also nice when everyone comes to your house. They don't leave a huge mess when they leave.
  2. P


    This is what I learned too. I grew up in the south and am now raising children in the Pacific Northwest and I am finding that history lessons differ a little bit depending on geography.
  3. P

    share your pot roast secrets please!

    You'll have to pry it outta my cold dead fingers ;)
  4. P

    the pleasures of cold weather dishwashing

    I like it too. When we have a large family gathering (read:stress city) I always try to get on dish duty. I find it very relaxing.
  5. P

    share your pot roast secrets please!

    You may never find a good covered pan at a thrift shop. I would sooner give up my first born than my enameled, cast iron dutch oven.
  6. P

    share your pot roast secrets please!

    Yes they are soft, I think adding them an hour or so before you are done would be fine. I will often put carrots and potatoes in whole at the beginning and then just cut them upon serving.
  7. P

    share your pot roast secrets please!

    Here's how I do it I have a large enameled dutch oven, I heat some oil on the stove in it till it's nearly smoking. I brown all the sides of the meat that I can until they are seared and release easily from the pan. Then I dust the whole mess with *about* 1/3 cup of flour and turn the meat...
  8. P

    buying a cow or shares for meat

    There are a few places you could check. I've seen smaller outfits advertise in the classified section of the newspaper or craigslist. You could ask a farmer you like at the farmers market if they know anyone who is raising beef. They are pretty plugged in to what other people are doing. You...
  9. P

    XMAS frugality

    I do this too. I've had the same strings of lights for years on end now. Every year when I'm putting them away I think I might replace a few next year but I never do.
  10. P

    Grit magazine backyard bread oven

    We want one of those sooooo bad. Can't quite find the time to make it. Maybe next summer.
  11. P


    Bummer about the deer. I'm glad you're ok though. Hopefully your insurance will pay to fix your car.
  12. P

    Hi there!

    :welcome Hi Bebop! Welcome :)