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  1. P

    Redoubling my penny pinching!

    Thank you all for your kind replies. I am feeling better about the job thing today. I know that my job is safe until the end of March for sure. And in between now and then I will do my darndest to make sure that I am the last person laid off if more need to go. On the plus side, the ice...
  2. P

    Redoubling my penny pinching!

    Don't think we're getting a refund this year :( In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we owed a little this year. Probably not much though. Our worst expenses are phone and electricity. Doesn't help that we just had a real doozie of an ice storm that trashed our yard and nearly froze us to...
  3. P

    And now I wait for Spring!

    I can't wait for spring either! If I snows again this week I think I am going to cry.
  4. P

    Your Stuff--baby rant about my stuff!

    Oh yea! This thread is speaking to me. I have been trying to de-stuff my life for about a year. I fell off the wagon about three months ago but I'm trying to get back on. Once I get started it is great though. I jut re-homed a musical instrument that I haven't played in years, and the girl...
  5. P

    Redoubling my penny pinching!

    So I went into work this morning. Come to find out a few people have been laid off. Fortunately I am ok for now. But I don't know what will happen over the next few months :fl So I am looking to pinch even more pennies than ever before. I want to put as much of my paycheck in the bank as I...
  6. P

    Fels Naphtha safety

    Surely FelsNaptha not any worse than something like Tide or Cheer. Plus it's about a zillion times less expensive, which is a point in it's favor. Someone earlier posted that they made liquid from Dr. Bronners Castille soap. I might give that a try. It's a vegetable based soap as opposed to...
  7. P

    2000K rent!!!!!!!! some one slap me! Beekissed where are you!!!!!!!!

    2000K on a 1/2 acre with a three car garage would be a very good deal in my area.
  8. P

    Home auto many do it?

    Beekissed you are naughty! :lau A good mechanic is a really good person to know, though :)
  9. P

    One-person construction tips/tricks

    Sounds good to me. I'm not exactly a purist. Although I love that PBS show that I think is called The Woodwright. That dude does everything right.
  10. P

    Cool new solar system SolFocus CPV - New Years Eve Update!

    Very cool. I think solar is going to take off very soon.
  11. P

    One-person construction tips/tricks

    A set of really good clamps has been very useful for me. I'd say it generally depends on the project. I would probably build a tripod type thingie to hold up a beam. I'm completely drawing a blank right now on more specific stuff, although heaven knows how many times I've said to my self...
  12. P

    Home auto many do it?

    I change my own oil, brake pads, simple stuff like that. When I was in college I dated this guy who taught me how to do all of that stuff. The relationship ended in utter disaster but I did get something good out of it. My dad can fix ANYTHING on a car. So if I have a problem I can't...
  13. P

    Your favorite natural stain remover?

    For me it depends on the stain. For "bio" stains I use hydrogen peroxide. For greasy stuff I use this stuff called Eco-2000 which I've got a whole CASE of, and I'm not even sure where it came from. I think my DH did some business with the manufacturer at some point in history. At any rate it...
  14. P

    What are your SS goals for 2009?

    For 2009 I am planning on being mostly in maintaining what I've already got going. It takes a certain amount of discipline for me to not enlarge my garden, raise a whole buncha new chickens, etc. I'm going to replace the fig tree that froze to death with something hardier. Maybe a pie cherry...
  15. P

    2dreams Granddaughter Pics

    Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful!
  16. P

    USE IT UP Challenge--being frugal

    Good thread Farmer Chick! My kids are definitely learning to USE IT UP. It's one of my pet peeves. I think a say about a hundred times a week "DON"T OPEN A NEW ONE UNTIL THE OLD ONE IS GONE"
  17. P

    DEBT many see it as the first step to SS?

    Those ad's count on you paying, half as much, every two weeks instead of once a month- if you are referring to the mortgage ones. What happens over the course of the year is that you make two extra payments. If you are in a bi-weekly pay cycle you make extra payments in those months that you...
  18. P

    Medical Insurance???

    Sounds like it would be less expensive to keep Tony in his job and hire out some help on the farm. Probably easier said than done :) Just me cutting right down to the bottom line as usual. If you ever do have to shop for your own insurance, we got the best deal for our needs from State...