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  1. Neiklot

    Do u have sheet music for "God is Good"?

    Hey everybody! I wonder if anyone have sheet music for Don Moen's "God is Good all the time" on your computer, and if so: Could you send it to me? :) /Neiklot - the poor fiddler!
  2. Neiklot

    Went fishing..

    I want to say "Yes" and fool you all. :rolleyes: But i have to say no. :/;)
  3. Neiklot

    Went fishing..

    Anytime you're in Sweden. :) FarmerChick: I love fishing/hunting. To be down at the lake a calm evening and fishing is good medicine for the soul!
  4. Neiklot

    Went fishing..

    I filled up the fryingpan... :-)
  5. Neiklot

    Went fishing..

    .. and got some of my favoritefish! We call it Abborre. Perch in the US i think?
  6. Neiklot

    2 liter plastic bottles, a lot of

    I Sweden we have a deposit on bottles (most soft drinks and beer bottles). You don't have that kind of system in the US? For every plastic bottle you recycle you get 2kr back. For every aluminum can you get 1kr. (One USdollar is 6,56kr)
  7. Neiklot

    HELP! The goat has lost one horn!

    He is better today, the vet gaved him a lot of painkilling drugs (?) and put a bandage around. He is much better today! I don't really know what happend, the horn did not break, just "slide" out if u understand? Probably got stuck somewhere.
  8. Neiklot

    Hi from northern Colorado

    Thank's! Then i know. ;) It is not so much land, but it is only your imagination sets the limits! Construction on the height, I know! Maybe a two-story greenhouse? But I still think you can grow a lot of vegetables on your background. :-)
  9. Neiklot

    Hi from northern Colorado

    Welcome! I think is the place for you! :-) How big is one acre? In Sweden we talk about hektar and tunnland, but i don't think an acre is the same as hektar? Anyhow, it sounds like a good place here on the planet to make you self a living. :)
  10. Neiklot

    HELP! The goat has lost one horn!

    Now the vet is on her way... Thank's for your advises. I will tell how it's going!
  11. Neiklot

    HELP! The goat has lost one horn!

    My mother in law's goat has lost one horn! It's bleeding a lot and he is in pain - what to do? Does it heal by itself or should they call the vet? I have not seen it myself .. Thank's! /Neiklot
  12. Neiklot

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    Thank's! Well im just here and there, always something to do. :)
  13. Neiklot

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    Hello friends! Could you pray for me? I have looked for a job in the church here (as a janitor) and it would really change my life for the better if I got it! Please! / Markus
  14. Neiklot

    Non-electric simple food cooler (video)

    Store it in a basement and it should work quite well and help considerably to keep a cool temperature. Good idea, think I'm gonna try it out. We have a earth cellar, and especially in the summertime it's get's pretty warm.
  15. Neiklot

    Make your own cottage cheese/cream cheese.

    Yes, if you make "real chees" u have to use some kind if bacteria. Hm, i don't know if its the same - I have never been outside of Europe. :)
  16. Neiklot

    Make your own cottage cheese/cream cheese.

    Hehe, FILMJLK = Swedish for "Sour milk"
  17. Neiklot

    Make your own cottage cheese/cream cheese.

    I would add that there is a big cultural difference between filmjlker. Maybe the one you have in the U.S. is different from our Swedish? Different bacterial cultures also affects the taste of sour milk and so even the teaste and result of fresh cheese. But please, try it out!! And please...
  18. Neiklot

    Make your own cottage cheese/cream cheese.

    Of course there are many many ways to make cheese, but this is how I do. Fast and easy - perfect for a stressed parent with alot of things to do all the time. I mostly use bought pasteurized milk. Has no dairy itself and for the moment no possibility to buy either. BUT it works fine to make...
  19. Neiklot

    Hunting for food...does it justify the cost?

    Here in Sweden are different prices for hunting ground very much. (I do not have access to private land to hunt on, so I'm in a hunting team) If you DO NOT bother to hunt elk, I think it is financially OK. But then again, nothing tastes better than moose stew, with home grown vegetables ...
  20. Neiklot

    Make your own cottage cheese/cream cheese.

    A very easy-made cottage cheese that can be flavored with whatever you want! (Garlic, herbs, etc. ..) You will need: One liter of sour milk (is it a quart in the US?), a pot, some sort of strainer or filter. (I use the kind that is to be straining juice) Pour the sour milk into the pot, bring...