I am interested in what responses you get too. I have never had a notion about using acorns for anything. But i sure do have a lot of oak trees.
I'll have to look for the thread you mentioned about acorn bread. How interesting!
Haha! Well, i'm afraid i didn't really follow a recipe on this one. I was kind of wingin' it.
However, it might be helpful to know that i started with the instructions at this link for pear butter.
I think that link says something about orange...
I used Virgin Mobile for a couple of years. I liked it for a pay-as-you-go. They actually have "monthly plans" that aren't attached to contracts, so you can pay a certain amount per month for certain privileges but not sign a contract. I liked that about them. And when i lived in the city...
Earlier in the summer i got some keiffer pears a.k.a. "canning pears" or "cooking pears." Once i figured out how to process them, i found i really liked them for freezing for pie filling, etc. They hold together very well and have great flavor when cooked.
Recently i got some other pears -...
Everyone has pretty much already said everything i can think of, but i would emphasize that if you're wanting to make some money and help your fruit trees, bees seem like a really good idea. You can definitely do it without your husband's help; once you get going on it, you can sell the honey...
I'm sure other cooks here with much more experience than myself will have better notions about freezing.
But i just thought i would throw out there that when i have leftover pie dough, i usually roll it into a tight ball, saran wrap it, and refrigerate it...especially if it's only a week.
I meant that in a family gathered around the fire reading about Jesus' birth and thanking God for His salvation kind of way. I also meant it in a cinnamon and nutmeg smells like Christmas kind of way.
Angry elves don't come to Christmas at my house.
I made some plum butter. Well, what i actually made was plum/pear butter, but it was just plums before i added the pears. It is very good. Those two flavors really compliment each other. Tastes like Christmas.
ETA: The plums i had were VERY juicy, so it took a very long time to cook them...
I have read that painted desert sheep have "milk aplenty for multiple lambs," and i have found some for sale pretty cheap in my area. Are they a reasonable milking sheep?
Oh, and a more specific question, i asked if a couple of sheep could live on a small parcel of land, but what i really want...
omg, you're making me want some sheep.
How many do you have on how large a space? How often to they need to be freshened? How high are the prices to get your hands on some?
I imagined that i would have to separate them from the chickens, but if i didn't that seems awesome!
What kind of...
A little update:
After complaining my heart out to y'all yesterday, i was pretty calmed down and had almost decided not to say anything to the power company.
But this afternoon, i had to call them back because after the work they did yesterday, the line to our house is now intimately...
I am by no means the expert on this sort of thing, but i think you have to dedicate camp fire skillets and pots to the campfire because the bottom tends to get caked up with soot and other things that will make it impossible to use in the house.
Although, i have used my indoor cast iron over...
In the interest of not hijacking this thread, i'm taking the milking sheep discussion over here. http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=160682#p160682